florist//atsushi harem//

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-au-atsushi is a florist and has a small harem😉

(Florist is someone who arranged or cuts plants and sells flowers.)


(mostly everyone is in this harem except for fukuzawa, mori and any minors!)

(And this is my first time writing a harem oneshots so I'm just writing random things so it's probably very bad)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi grew up in a orphanage because he was an orphan. Atsushi knew all about his ability but he didn't really care for it. Atsushi was kicked out of orphanage at the age of 18 so atsushi was homeless for quite a while until someone helped him. This person worked in a flower shop and was getting close to closing his shop because he had no employees but atsushi was looking for a job so atsushi easily got a job at the flower shop.

The person was kind enough and made sure atsushi was perfectly well fed and also looked really good as well. Atsushi basically works in the flower shop all the time and he loves working there because it's really fun actually and really simple to do so it doesn't cost much  work, which is a good for atsushi. Atsushi has no education so this is the best job he can get and he wouldn't get another job, no matter what. Atsushi sees many customers and also sees new ones so, it's no surprise when he got a new one. "Hello! How may I help you?" Atsushi said as the person walk up to him. "Uh..yes..I need flowers but..I'm not sure which ones to get.." Dazai said and that no surprise because dazai know nothing about flowers. "Oh? Well what is the occasion?" Atsushi ask, atsushi knows a lot about flowers so he can obviously help.

"A date." Dazai said and atsushi just smile. "Oh? Well I would recommend some roses." Atsushi said and dazai took that answer so dazai bought some roses. "Bye! I hope your date goes well!!" Atsushi said as he wave goodbye as dazai left and dazai was having some feelings for atsushi. Atsushi was just happy to help someone so he didn't notice dazai blushing the whole time. Atsushi didn't expect another new customer but he did get a new one. Atsushi was just watering the flowers as he gets a tap on his shoulder. "Oh? Yes? How can I help you?" Atsushi ask as he turn around and see a woman. "Yes. I'm looking for some flowers for my apartment but I'm not sure, which flowers, I should choose." Yosano said with a smile and honestly she wasn't lying because yosano does keep flowers in her apartment but she heard about the florist boy being adorable so she just had to see for herself.

'Dazai wasn't lying at all.' Yosano thought to herself as she watched atsushi smile. "Oh! Well it really just depends on your taste but my recommendation is tiger lilies..most people pay no attention to them and they're really pretty so I recommend them." Atsushi explain and atsushi was right. Tiger lilies are a pretty flower and yosano love it so she decided to get it for her apartment. Yosano obviously thank atsushi and she left and atsushi was just smiling the whole time.

It quickly became night time so obviously atsushi had to close up shop but suddenly he was attacked by someone, lucky enough chuuya was there and basically he beat the person up. "Thank you!!" Atsushi said as he bow and chuuya just smiled. "It quite alright, I'm just glad you're okay." Chuuya said and atsushi just sigh a relief. "I should get going. Goodbye! And thank again!" Atsushi said as he started to run off and chuuya just watch. 'So..he the florist..' Chuuya thoughts to himself as he looks at the person, that attacked atsushi. Chuuya decided, he will protect atsushi at all costs from now on. Atsushi didn't even realize a port mafia executive basically helped him but atsushi was just happy because someone help him.

Atsushi would now regularly see chuuya or dazai but he also met many more people from both the agency and port mafia but he didn't even know, they were from organizations and they were mostly to see atsushi but they always made excuse to buy flowers just to see atsushi. "Hehe..I think, I see you everyday." Atsushi said to dazai and dazai was just laughing. "It always so calm here!" Dazai said as someone walked in and suddenly slap dazai. "Dazai! We have work to do! Sorry for disturbing you." Kunikida said and atsushi just smiled. "It quite alright..I always feel alone so it nice to talk to someone." Atsushi said as kunikida drag dazai away and dazai just cry for atsushi to help him.

"That something." Chuuya said as he walked into shop and atsushi just giggled. "Oh? I never seen you before." Atsushi said as he looked at akutagawa and akutagawa just turn red. "This is akutagawa and he needs flowers, his sister is coming back from a long mission and he wants to get some flowers for her." Chuuya explained and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi gave them a few options and akutagawa obviously pick the option so he bought the flowers for his sister. "I hope she like it." Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa honestly just turn more red. "Bye!" Atsushi said as they walk away and akutagawa was also now having feelings for atsushi.

"He mine." Chuuya said as he glare st akutagawa and akutagawa just glare back, everyone was going to fight over atsushi and everyone will make sure atsushi is okay. Atsushi is just happy to talk to some people because he doesn't really make any friends so it makes him happy to talk to someone. "He mine!" Dazai said as chuuya slap the shit out of him. Atsushi didn't even realize people were fighting over him because they kept it a secret. Mori and fukuzawa found hilarious that their members were fighting over someone but they did nothing to stop it.

"Atsushi!!" Yosano said as she hug atsushi and atsushi just smile again. Yosano always hug atsushi, when she visits him. "Hello yosano." Atsushi softly said and yosano mostly just hang out with atsushi for a while because she was stressed out so she was trying to calm down. Everyone go to atsushi to calm down because it basically very calming around atsushi because he's basically surrounded by flowers. Atsushi doesn't mind it at all and didn't pay attention to the many people that come and visit him.

Everyone is basically in love with atsushi and they make sure he's safe 24/7.

(😭 this is really bad and I'm so sorry!!)

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