comfort//atsushi x tanizaki//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-both atsushi and tanizaki are trans( female to male).

(I don't know why they're both trans but it mostly important for tanizaki but i decided to add atsushi as trans for fun!)

(Basically atsushi giving tanizaki comfort about his dysmorpha body)

Warning: mental disorder?

(I don't know anything about body dysmorpha or any like that so im going off of what i know so there will be mistakes!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Body dysmorpha is a mental disorder, tha involving the obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance. While atsushi doesn't have this, tanizaki does, usually with therapy and support groups helps the personnel out but sadly tanizaki is too scared to go to therapy but not to worry because he has atsushi and atsushi will comfort him. They been together for a while now and tanizaki has never talked about his body dysmorpha but atsushi always knew about it in a way.

Today tanizaki was looking in the mirror as atsushi finally get home because he has to work late again. "junichiro! I'm home!" Atsushi called out but tanizaki heard nothing as he stare into the mirror. 'Huh? He usually answers..' Atsushi thought to himself as he walks into the apartment to find his boyfriend. "junichiro?" Atsushi said as he makes it to the bathroom and finally tanizaki noticed atsushi is back. "Ah! Atsushi, your back.." Tanizaki said and atsushi just nod.

Atsushi never really understood body
dysmorpha because he never has it but he somewhat understands it so he will help the best, he can. "junichiro.." Atsushi said as he suddenly hugged tanizaki and tanizaki looked surprised but hug back. Tanizaki just didn't say anything as atsushi hugged him tighter and atsushi just has a sad smile on his face. "Let cuddle? I'm sure, that make you feel better." atsushi suddenly said as he pick up tanizaki and tanizaki just hold onto atsushi.

'I always forget atsushi is strong..' Tanizaki thoughts to himself, atsushi slowly pick tanizaki on the bed and atsushi climbs into the bed and slowly wraps his arms around tanizaki. "I don't know much..but I will help you the best I can..." Atsushi said as he slowly play with tanizaki hair and tanizaki just look surprised but then he slowly smiled as tears started to fall down his face and atsushi just kept holding tanizaki. Tanizaki just slowly cries into atsushi chest and atsushi just comforts him the whole time.

"Sorry.." Tanizaki finally said and atsushi just play with tanizaki hair again. "Don't did nothing wrong.." Atsushi softly said and tanizaki just nodded. "Would you like to eat?" Atsushi ask and tanizaki just nodded as a no. "I'm not hungry right now.." Tanizaki said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi didn't let go of tanizaki at all and tanizaki just lay his head on atsushi chest. They stayed like that for quite a while and both of them didn't say anything at all.

Tanizaki didn't really know what to say and he didn't even want to talk about it. Atsushi was just there for comfort and he going to make sure his boyfriend is okay. Atsushi suddenly lay his head on tanizaki head and tanizaki just giggled. "Soft.." Atsushi said, tanizaki hair was soft so atsushi decided to lay his head on it and tanizaki found that funny. Soon tanizaki fell asleep on atsushi and atsushi just smiled as he watched his boyfriend slowly breathe in and out. 'I will make sure, you get help...' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi feel kind of guilty for not noticing sooner but now he will help his boyfriend no matter what. Atsushi soon fell asleep as well but he was holding tanizaki the whole time.

After a while, tanizaki did get help and atsushi was supporting him the whole time like a boyfriend should do.

(I seriously think i mess up on this so it bad and probably wrong so sorry!!)

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