period//atsushi is in pain//

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-fluff and bit of angst

-au-atsushi is trans(female to men) but still has period and the port mafia and agency know nothing about it.

Warning: mention of transphobic.

(The agency and port mafia will find out!!)

(Wrote this when I was half asleep so  some of this might make no sense)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never felt like a women at all, at first atsushi didn't understand but once he did understand. He realized he wanted to be a men but sadly the headmaster of the orphanage was religious and thought it was wrong so atsushi was severely punished for having those thoughts but they never stopped, atsushi was a man and will become one. Atsushi didn't care what the headmaster thought about it and once atsushi was 18 he was kicked out of the orphanage so he basically has freedom.

Atsushi immediately transition to become a man, atsushi didn't have enough money for surgery so he mostly wore the binder and took pills to make his voice a bit deeper. Atsushi sadly still has period though and of course he got it but the agency and port mafia know nothing about atsushi technically being a female. Atsushi was too scared to even tell the agency so it was a secret. 'Damm it..' Atsushi thought to himself as he sit on bathroom floor, atsushi was having terrible cramps and he didn't really want to go to work but sadly he had too.

Atsushi tried to act as best because he didn't want the agency to know. Kyouka notice atsushi was bit grumpy but she didn't ask anything about it, atsushi definitely wasn't dealing with dazai bullshit today though. Dazai was being his annoying self as usual and some of the port mafia members were in the agency because of a mission so they had to listen to dazai being annoyed. 'Oh my fucking god..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at akutagawa, atsushi now has to deal with akutagawa as well. "Dazai! Shut the fuck up!!" Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and dazai look surprised but he did shut up.

The agency looked surprised too and atsushi was just glaring at dazai. Akutagawa was about to say something but atsushi glare at him as well. "I swear to god, if you say something. I will throw you out the window." Atsushi said, akutagawa immediately shut up as well and everyone was just surprised because they never seen atsushi act like that before so it was new. "Damm.." Yosano said as atsushi sit down and he started to work and everyone is just staring at him in shocked.

"Why is atsushi mad?" Kenji ask ranpo and ranpo was about to use  ultra deduction but atsushi also glare at him as well. "Uh..I think atsushi doesn't want us to know yet." Ranpo said with a nervous smile and atsushi just didn't say anything at all. Atsushi wasn't sure if he should tell the agency about it because he was afraid. "Atsushi...why are you so mad?" Yosano finally ask and atsushi just didn't answer and yosano seem to have a idea on why atsushi was mad but she didn't know to say it outloud. " know we will support you.." Yosano said and atsushi just nodded. "Do you want some painkillers?" Yosano ask and atsushi just nodded so yosano went to get painkillers.

"So atsushi.." Dazai said but before he can even finish the sentence, atsushi just glare at him. "Shut up dazai!!" Atsushi said and dazai just started to fake cry and walked over to the corner to cry. "Here." Yosano said as she hand atsushi a painkiller and atsushi took it. "I'm confused.." Kenji said and atsushi just looked down. "I'm trans..female to men..I still have periods.." Atsushi said as he looks away and it finally made sense. "Oh atsushi..were you scared to tell us?" Naomi ask and atsushi just nodded. "Don't worry! We support you!!" Kenji said as he hug atsushi and atsushi just hug back.

Akutagawa and chuuya obviously supported atsushi as well. "If you want, ane-san can help you." Chuuya said, kouyou was also a women and atsushi was somewhat okay with that. "Great!" Chuuya said as he grab atsushi hand and chuuya basically drags atsushi away. "I'm taking your student!! He mine now!!" Chuuya yell and dazai just cry more, which made atsushi giggle. Kouyou was minding her own business, when chuuya walked into her room with atsushi. "Chuuya? Were-tiger?" Kouyou said in confusion and chuuya just explain everything. "Ah..I see..well I totally support you and I supposed I can try to help." Kouyou said, atsushi did feel a lot better after taking a painkiller but he still took kouyou advice.

Atsushi and kouyou actually got along pretty well so they decided to hang out more. The agency and port mafia supported atsushi so atsushi didn't have to worry anymore and they even try to help. Atsushi may have yell at dazai a lot though but atsushi found it so funny when he cries so atsushi didn't really feel bad about it. "Fuck, this chocolate is so delicious." Atsushi said as he eat his chocolate and chuuya just smirk. Chuuya was rich so he obviously bought the fancy chocolate and it was so delicious. "Ane-san always has that chocolate so I thought you might like it as well." Chuuya explained and atsushi definitely loved it.

Atsushi also learned a lot from the port mafia because even they were helping a bit. Akutagawa also became a bit more nicer but he still has his rude attitude. "Here." Akutagawa said as he hand atsushi a bunch of money and atsushi looked confused. "You should feel comfortable in your own body so use the money." Akutagawa said as he looks away and atsushi just looked surprised but then he suddenly smiles and akutagawa just walk away. Atsushi couldn't really believe it but he obviously use the money and soon atsushi got top surgery and everyone was there helping him. Atsushi basically lives in normal life as a man.

(😭im pretty sure i mess up on this so im so sorry!!)

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