we're here for you//atsushi & agency//

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-fluff and angst

(Atsushi angst😈🙌)

Warning: suicide

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi plan on committing suicide and he wanted a quick and simple. Everything was going according to plan until dazai saw walk into atsushi apartment. Atsushi was already on the ground, slowly losing conscious as the blood falls out of his arms and legs. "Atsushi!!" Dazai said in shock as he run up to atsushi and he immediately called yosano for help. "Atsushi...come on! Stay with me!" Dazai said as tears start to fall down his eyes and atsushi just smiled as he closes his eyes. Yosano never had a ran so fast in high heels but she was doing it, yosano made to atsushi place just in time and she immediately used her ability.

"Atsushi.." Dazai said as he hold atsushi in his arm and yosano just isn't sure on what to say. "..let bring him to the agency now." Yosano said and dazai just hold atsushi as they walked back to the agency, where the others were worrying. The whole agency saw yosano run out of the office and they were confused but worried at the same time. "Oh god, atsushi!" Kyouka said as she quickly walks towards dazai and dazai is still crying. "..get fukuzawa now and put atsushi into the bed and watch him." Yosano said, she looks very serious but she was worried and dazai did what he was told and kyouka follow dazai.

No one could believe it, yosano explained everything and everyone was shocked but worried for atsushi. Kenji immediately went into the Infirmary because he wanted to see atsushi. Dazai was sounding sleep as he hold atsushi arm and kyouka is just holding back tears. "What do we do now?" Naomi hesitantly asked and yosano just looked down. "First, I needed to know why..he committed suicide and then we can help them from there, we just need to support him." Yosano explained, Fukuzawa nodded in agreement. No one could sleep at all because they were worried for their friend.

Atsushi woke up the next day and he looked around. '..the infirmary..' Atsushi thought to himself as he tried to sit up but atsushi was sore. 'I'm so sore..' Atsushi thoughts to himself and he immediately saw dazai and kyouka. "..dazai.." Atsushi whispers and immediately dazai was up and that scared atsushi a bit. "Atsushi!!" Dazai screams as he hugged atsushi and atsushi just frozen in place. Kyouka was happy to see atsushi was awake but atsushi knew he had to talk about it and he wasn't exactly ready.

"Atsushi..are you in any pain?" Yosano ask and atsushi just nodded as a no. Both kyouka and dazai were clinged onto atsushi like a koala. "I'm just sore." Atsushi said and yosano was happy to hear that. "Everyone else is worried about you." Yosano said and atsushi was now very overwhelmed, he didn't know the agency care so much about him. "Dazai was crying too, first time seeing him cry." Yosano said and dazai just hold onto atsushi for dear life. "Atsushi..I know you may not want to talk about it..so take your time.." Yosano said and atsushi look surprised but then atsushi smiled.

They all took turns hugging atsushi and even fukuzawa hug atsushi. "I think..I'm ready to talk about it." Atsushi slowly said and yosano just nodded. They were alone so it was only just them. "we can take many breaks as you need." Yosano softly said and atsushi slowly began to talk and yosano was shocked and horrified about the things atsushi say. 'I'm killed them all..' Yosano thoughts to herself as she slowly hug atsushi because atsushi had started to cry. "It okay..everyone will be here for you." Yosano softly said as she brushes atsushi uneven hair out of his face and atsushi just nodded.

"is everything going okay?" Fukuzawa asked as he walked into the room, he heard a bunch of crying so he wanted to make sure everything was okay. "Atsushi just got emotional while talking." Yosano explained, atsushi just sit there suddenly fukuzawa hug atsushi again. Atsushi immediately clinged onto fukuzawa, atsushi felt so loved and he didn't wanted to let go of fukuzawa. Fukuzawa just smiled as atsushi slowly stopped crying but doesn't let go of fukuzawa.

"Would you like to see the others, I'm sure they would love to hug you." Yosano said and atsushi just nodded. Everyone did hug atsushi again and atsushi was really happy because he felt so loved. Due to what happened though, atsushi had to be watched by someone but he didn't really mind. Kunikida was in charge of watching atsushi and atsushi actually learn a few things of kunikida. The whole agency was there for atsushi and atsushi couldn't be any more grateful and they did became over protective over atsushi now.

Ranpo give atsushi sweet, and dazai does his own work. Atsushi was happy and that all that matters.

(👯👯idk why I wrote this)

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