mine//ranpo x atsushi//

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(Ranpo is jealous?)


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and ranpo have been together for a while now and atsushi has noticed that ranpo is really clingy and get jealous very easily, atsushi doesn't mind it though and  he actually finds it adorable. The agency knows nothing about them dating yet but ranpo just hate it because they all over his boyfriend and dazai is trying to make atsushi get with akutagawa. "No!" Atsushi said again, and dazai just whine. "Come on!! Just try it!!" Dazai said and atsushi just looked tired. Ranpo was glaring at dazai because dazai was trying to make his boyfriend date someone.

"Ranpo? Are you okay?" Yosano ask as she looked at ranpo and ranpo just doesn't his anything. The other agency members were watching atsushi and dazai so they paid no attention to ranpo. 'Atsushi is mine..' Ranpo thought to himself as he bite down on his lollipop and yosano looks concerned and confused. "Dazai. Stop it, I'm not getting with akutagawa." Atsushi said, dazai just frowned. Ranpo has enough so he got up and walked towards atsushi and dazai. "Huh? Ranpo?" Dazai said as ranpo kisses atsushi on the lip and then he looked at dazai.

"He mine." Ranpo said as he sit on atsushi lap and he basically clings onto atsushi. Everyone was surprised and they were expecting that and atsushi just smiled. Ranpo head was laying on atsushi shoulder and atsushi just chuckled. "Huh? Wait..YOUR DATING ATSUSHI AND DIDN'T TELL ME!?" yosano yell and atsushi just covers his ears because he's sensitive to loud noises. Ranpo just glare at yosano, ranpo and yosano were best friends so she was mad because ranpo didn't tell her. "Don't yell! Atsushi is sensitive to loud noises." Ranpo said and atsushi just looked down. "Sorry." Yosano said and atsushi just sighed.

"So..that..why you not getting with akutagawa.." Dazai said and ranpo glare at dazai again. "even if I was single, I'm not dating him. no matter what. I would rather get my organs taken out." Atsushi said, atsushi would probably get his organs taken out, if he had a date akutagawa. "So, you guys have been dating?" Naomi said and ranpo just nodded. "Ah..so that why atsushi is leaving the apartment at night.." Kyouka said, ranpo would always demand cuddles at night so atsushi always left to cuddle ranpo and kyouka noticed that. "I'm fine with the relationship but if you hurt atsushi..I will murder you." Kyouka said as she glare at ranpo and atsushi just didn't look surprised.

Kyouka was always overprotective of atsushi because atsushi save her and she seen atsushi as her older brother. "I wouldn't hurt atsushi." Ranpo said and atsushi just didn't say anything. "How long!?" Yosano ask, she was now curious and she needed to know answers. "For a while now.." Atsushi said and ranpo just nodded in agreement. "What going on?" Fukuzawa ask as he walked into the main office, he hear yosano yell so he decided to check out, what was going on. "Apparently, atsushi and ranpo have been together and ranpo didn't tell me!" Yosano said and fukuzawa looked at bit surprise as he looked at atsushi and ranpo.

"Are you guys happy with each other?" Fukuzawa ask and both atsushi and ranpo nodded and then suddenly fukuzawa. "Then there's nothing wrong." Fukuzawa said as he walked away and everyone was surprised because they never seen fukuzawa smile before so that was new. "Huh..I didn't know he could smile.." Kunikida said and everyone just nodded in agreement. "Anyways, get back to work!" Kunikida said to everyone and ranpo doesn't move at all.

Atsushi had to do his work  while ranpo lay on his lap. Everyone pay no attention to them but yosano was still a bit mad because ranpo didn't tell her. "Kyouka..I'll probably be staying at ranpo..sorry.." Atsushi said and kyouka just nodded. "It fine, let me know, if he hurts you." Kyouka said and ranpo look offended because he would never hurt atsushi. "Bye!" Atsushi said as he walked out of the agency with ranpo. Kyouka just smile, she was happy because atsushi is happy. "She really overprotective of you..I never noticed.." Ranpo said, he usually doesn't pay attention unless it important so he never notices kyouka being so overprotective of atsushi.

"Yea..she always has.." Atsushi said with a smile, he didn't mind it but sometimes kyouka can go a bit too far. Ranpo just smile as he holds atsushi hand and soon they made it to ranpo apartment. Atsushi is usually the one making dinner because ranpo can't cook at all. "Thank you!!" Ranpo said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just smile. Atsushi cooking is really good and ranpo love it so he always happy, when atsushi cook. "Your cooking is always so good!" Ranpo said and atsushi just turn red from embarrassment. They enjoy dinner together as usual and then ranpo wanted cuddles so they went to cuddle.

"I love you.." Ranpo said as he kisses atsushi again and atsushi just giggling. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said as he hug ranpo and ranpo is just laying his head on atsushi chest as he slowly fall asleep and atsushi just watches the whole time. Soon atsushi fell asleep as well.

(🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️random idea again)

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