arranged marriage//atsushi x chuuya//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi and chuuya are basically married and they actually love each other.

Warning: Force marriage?

(I don't know how arranged marriages work so yep, this just a random idea that I got at night)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi nakajima used to live in orphanage and basically since the day atsushi came to orphanage. atsushi was going to having arranged marriage with some random person, which was chuuya nakahara. Atsushi was still a minor at the time so they had to wait until he was eighteen because they didn't want to break the law or anything like that. Chuuya didn't really want to be married to someone but it was arranged so he didn't have any choice and once atsushi was eighteen they actually got married. Atsushi and chuuya first acted like they were never married but after a while they got used to each other and actually started to fall in love with each other.

"I can't believe..we actually fell in love with each other.." Atsushi said as he sighed and chuuya just laugh. "I mean we are married so it's kind of the point to be in love with each other.." Chuuya said with a smirk and atsushi just nodded in agreement. Atsushi join the agency because he technically saved dazai from drowning himself but apparently he wanted to die and dazai could atsushi in like a lost dog and that's how he got a job at the agency. Chuuya was perfectly fine with it because the port mafia didn't know anything about the arranged marriage except for mori but mori was honestly scared shitless to even say anything because of atsushi so mori was fine with it.

Atsushi was actually happy to get a job and he mentioned nothing about him marrying a port mafia executive. It was obvious they're all going to find out one day and that day was when chuuya got injured on a mission. Dazai and chuuya were on a mission and obviously chuuya got hurt and it was all dazai fault. "Chuuya is perfectly fine now.." Yosano said as she checked the injuries and chuuya was smirking the whole time because he knew his husband was mad. Atsushi slowly walked into the room and mori immediately looks horrified. "No! I did nothing to cause this! It all dazai fault!! Please don't hurt me!!" Mori said as he hides behind the president and atsushi just slowly looks at dazai. Everyone else was confused because they never seen the port mafia boss so scared of a innocent tiger boy but the tiger boy wasn't innocent at all. Atsushi slowly walked up to dazai and suddenly atsushi turned his hand into a tiger paw and immediately slap the shit out of dazai so dazai fell to the ground in shock and in pain as well.

"Atsushi." Chuuya said as he grab his husband and hugs him in front of everyone. "'re always so warm.." Chuuya said as he snuggles close to atsushi and atsushi just smile. The room was quite cold so it felt amazing to be warm. "that's because I'm half tiger.." Atsushi whisper and everyone was just looking at them in confusion. "Holy shit..that hurt." Dazai said as he get up but was still pretty dizzy so he was holding onto something. "And why is mori so scared." Dazai ask, mori was still hiding behind the president because he was scared shitless of atsushi. "You don't understand..when atsushi is scary and terrifying.." Mori said and everyone was looking confused because they didn't believe that to be honest. "And why is chuuya holding onto jinko?" Akutagawa ask as everyone looks at them again. "Because..we're married.." Chuuya said and atsushi just nervously smiles and everyone's face immediately turn into shock because they didn't expect that.

"Huh!? What!?" Kouyou said, even she knew nothing about it. " it was arranged marriage but after a while we started to love each other.." Chuuya said and that made a lot more sense but they were still in shock. "Wow..I wasn't expecting this.." Yosano said, everyone agreed with her. "I was already married to chuuya before joining the agency, dazai thought I was a stray dog or something.." Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and dazai just nervously smiles. "Chuuya injury wasn't serious and probably just needs a few days of rest for it to heal." Yosano explain to atsushi and atsushi was happy to hear that then he looked at the port mafia boss. "Yes..Chuuya can have as many days off until the injury is healed.." Mori nervously says, mori did not want to fight with atsushi because atsushi is fucking terrifying when his husband is injured. Atsushi just smile and everyone was still not sure on what to say. "Welp..chuuya it time to go home.." Atsushi softly said and chuuya just nodded. Both atsushi and chuuya left the port mafia base and no one try to stop them because they can't really stop them at all.

Atsushi wanted to make sure chuuya was perfectly okay and heals perfectly fine. "Atsushi..cuddle with me." Chuuya said, chuuya was obviously a big softy but doesn't show in public because he's a port mafia executive and he will kill the agency and port mafia members if they say anything about him hugging his husband. "I love you.." Chuuya said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and atsushi just smile. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said as chuuya hug his husband and atsushi just snuggles up to chuuya. Atsushi obviously got many days off to take care of his husband even though chuuya could take care of himself.

The agency member didn't mind it at all because no private information was shared between the two and atsushi was married to chuuya before joining the agency so they didn't have a say in it at all and the port mafia member didn't give a fuck but now they know not to mess with atsushi. Those atsushi and chuuya were asked a few questions by the members because they're pretty fucking curious about it. "It kind of funny to see the port mafia boss scared of atsushi.." Tanizaki said, everyone agrees with him and atsushi was just smiling the whole time. The agency members never really experience atsushi being mad so they don't understand yet. "If you say anything about this, I will kill you." Chuuya said to dazai as he hold onto his husband and dazai just smirks. "Aw..fine.." Dazai said as he looked away and atsushi was just giggling the whole time.

Chuuya would now regularly come pick up his husband after work because they knew about it so they didn't have to hide it anymore and they basically live somewhat of a normal life.


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