gods//atsushi, chuuya and fyodor//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi, chuuya and fyodor are god but disguise their self as humans.


( I had to make the pot so it's going to be fucking terrible!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was the god of righteousness, while chuuya was the god of chaos and fyodor was the god of crimes and punishment. All three of them were basically friends, they were the only gods so it made sense that they knew each other. One day they all decided to pretend to be humans because they want to see how humans act. Atsushi and chuuya obviously kept in touch but fyodor was bit hard to keep in touch but they still talked once in a while. They all had some lives now and we're basically in society now. Atsushi learned a lot and basically love being around human, while fyodor like humans but wars happened a lot and he wanted it to stop and chuuya love the chaos.

Obviously the agency and port mafia knew nothing about it and that was good. Atsushi and chuuya were technically enemies so sometimes they had to fight. "I aint fighting atsushi." Chuuya said as he looks at mori and atsushi just smirked. "Are you scared~?" Atsushi said and chuuya just turn red and chuuya try to attack atsushi but atsushi grab chuuya arm and slowly atsushi was moving it and he was about to break it. "Ow!! Stop it!!" Chuuya said as atsushi let go of chuuya arm and Chuuya just looked embarrassed.

Chuuya doesn't have any healing ability so he can be considered a week because of that. Atsushi has healing ability so he most likely would win the fight because of that. "What the fuck?" Dazai said as atsushi started to giggle and Chuuya just doesn't say anything. "Chuuya~! Are you getting weak?" Atsushi ask as chuuya glare at atsushi and everyone was confused. Chuuya love to fight but he will not fight atsushi at all because they're technically friends and chuuya doesn't want to have broken arms anytime soon.

Atsushi was smirking the whole time as he teases chuuya and everyone just watched because they didn't know what to say. "Wow..." Mori said, even he was shocked and kouyou just looked surprise. "Anyways. We need to check on him." Atsushi suddenly said and Chuuya didn't want too. "Me and Chuuya are friends and we need to check on our other friend so we'll be back!" Atsushi explained as he grab chuuya arm and atsushi started to dragged chuuya and everyone just watched in surprise.

"Wow..should we let them leave?" Kunikida ask the president and the president wasn't sure what to say. "I guess so? They seem to be good friends." Mori said with a confused look on his face and fukuzawa just nodded in agreement. Atsushi already knew where to find fyodor and fyodor was on his computer as usual. "Fyodor~!! Are you alive!?" Atsushi ask as he walked into the room and fyodor just glare at atsushi. "Yes I'm alive." Fyodor said and atsushi just giggled as chuuya walked into the room as well. "It so dark in here, are you turning emo or ssomething" chuuya ask and atsushi started to laugh as fyodor glare at chuuya. "No." Fyodor said as he slapped atsushi because he wanted atsushi to stop laughing, which work. "Anyways look like, you're okay." Chuuya said with a smirk and fyodor just nodded.

Atsushi was patting fyodor head and fyodor just sit there. "What bring you here?" Fyodor finally ask, he was wondering. "Atsushi wanted to make sure, you were okay." Chuuya explained and atsushi just nodded in agreement. Fyodor looked surprised but then he smiled and atsushi was smiling as well. They decide to hang out with each other because they haven't talked to each other in a while so they were just catching up. Atsushi had many things to tell because in the agency there's always chaos so there's always drama and it's so good.

"Worker with dazai is hard. He a weird human." Atsushi said as he drink his tea and fyodor just chuckled. Chuuya was drinking his wine as atsushi talk about how weird dazai is, which was true. Dazai was a weird human and atsushi has never seen a human like that before but it's interesting as well. "I know sometimes I don't really feel like a god..I mean we don't do much." Atsushi suddenly said and chuuya actually agreed with atsushi. "you think we would do more as god but we don't." Chuuya said, fyodor just nodded. "Human are independent and don't need someone to protect them and they don't need us anymore, we just exist." Fyodor said and atsushi just nodded. Humans were now independent and they didn't really need a god or even three gods but they do.

"Eh..feel odd in a way..most god have big role but we do nothing.." Atsushi said as he looks out the window and chuuya just keeps drinking his wine. "Anyways you guys should get going." Fyodor softly said and atsushi just nodded as he stand up and chuuya was too drunk so atsushi has to carry chuuya. Atsushi obviously brought chuuya back to chuuya house and atsushi went home. The agency did have a few questions and atsushi answer them the best he could and everything went back to normal and it became a normal thing for atsushi and chuuya to hang out.

( I know it's short I'm sorry!!)

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