shapeshift//atsushi and dazai/ part 2

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(Someone wants a part 2!)

-au-atsushi can shapeshift.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Ever since the agency found out about atsushi being a shapeshifter, atsushi has been annoying dazai at lot more because dazai hate cat and dogs. The other agency members find it funny but dazai hate it a lot. "I literally was attacked by cat atsushi!" Dazai said to the president and fukuzawa is just holding cat atsushi. " atsushi did nothing.." Fukuzawa said as he pet cat atsushi and cat atsushi is just purring, and the other are trying their best not to laugh. Dazai just looked flabbergasted as fukuzawa walk into his office with cat atsushi.

"What..the fuck!?" Dazai said as some of the other started to laugh their asses off. "Welp..look like he didn't care.." Kunikida said and dazai just looked away. Atsushi could actually get away with most things because Fukuawa love cat so much. Dazai wasn't happy at all and atsushi had a lot more things to do to dazai.

The port mafia and agency were going to have a meeting but atsushi feel a bit energetic today so he started to chase dazai as a dogs. The port mafia was waiting for the agency to arrive but suddenly they hear dazai scream. "Is that dazai?" Chuuya said as he looked at the dazai and suddenly dazai run into the room and jump on the table. "Why me!?" Dazai said as he glare at dogs atsushi and the other were confused. "I'll going get you in trouble." Dazai said as atsushi transforms back into a human and the whole port mafia is shocked. "But will I get in trouble though? Hehe meow." Atsushi said with a smirk and suddenly atsushi was a cat and was walking towards fukuzawa.

"What the fuck just happened?" Mori ask, and everyone was wondering that. "Atsushi can shapeshift and ever since, we found out he's been torturing dazai." Kyouka explained and dazai just frowns. "Shapshift? So jinko has a second ability?" Akutagawa ask and the agency wasn't really sure so they didn't really give an answer. "Possibly." Ranpo said and fukuzawa pay no attention to them and was petting cat atsushi. "I would love to see dazai suffering.." Chuuya said, dazai look offended by that. "Wow..uh..fukzuawa look distracted." Kouyou said as everyone looked at him and dazai was just not happy. "That how atsushi get away with it, the president loves cats." Kunikida said, everyone knew that fukuzawa love cat so it wasn't surprising.

"Welp..we do need to start the meeting." Mori said as he looked at dazai and dazai just give more the middle finger. "I'm am not touching atsushi." Dazai said as he sit down, kunikida just got up and grab cat atsushi and suddenly threw cat atsushi towards dazai and dazai just screamed as he accidentally touches cat atsushi and atsushi was sadly back to normal. "What the fuck!!" Dazai said as he looked at kunikida and chuuya just started to chuckling. "Welp! Let start the meeting!" Mori finally said and the meeting finally started. After the meeting though, the port mafia was currently about atsushi shapeshifting because they never seen that before so it was something new. "Wow!" Higuchi said as atsushi transforms into a lion and the port mafia was impressed.

"Never seen dazai so scared though.." Mori said to kouyou and she just nod in agreement. Dazai usually isn't scared so it was new things for everyone but it was funny so they didn't give a fuck and technically dazai wasn't being injured but he may have some trauma after this but everyone has trauma so it's not new. "Don't touch me.." Dazai said as he glare at atsushi and atsushi just meow. " don't like cat?" Atsushi ask with smirk and dazai just frown.

No one pay attention to dazai though and they mostly pay attention to atsushi. The port mafia member were fine with atsushi being a shapeshifter and they actually found it cool and mori didn't give a fuck, which is a good thing. Atsushi still does torture dazai but he doesn't do it often anymore but dazai does live in fear every single day because of atsushi.

(Sorry i know it short!)

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