Roblox//atsushi is bloom//

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-au-atsushi is bloom(a roblox YouTube and tiktok) and atsushi is still in the agency.

(The request didn't be pacific on if atsushi was still in the agency so he still in agency)

Warning: cussing?

(I never watch bloom so I knew nothing about their content so there might be few mistakes!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never played any games, when he was in the orphanage because he was considered a monster so he was locked away 24/7 so when he was out of the orphanage, he decided to explore many things that people do. Atsushi tried many games and soon he found roblox and many people loved roblox so it wasn't surprising atsushi love playing it as well. Atsushi start to film him playing games because he thought it was pretty fun and soon he became pretty popular.

Atsushi obviously kept his identity a secret so that's how the agency and the the port mafia knew nothing about him being a roblox youtuber but someone did know because they play with atsushi and it was quite surprising because it's akutagawa. Akutagawa was also a youtube and atsushi and akutagawa surprisingly gone along pretty well and they make videos with each other with their other friends as well.

(I know bloom does play with his friends so I decided to add akutagawa as one of the friends so sorry if you didn't want that!)

Akutagawa identity is also a secret so that's how they knew nothing about him being a youtuber. Kyouka was living with atsushi but after a while the agency thought it would be a good idea if kyouka lived with yosano because she's a female and kyouka is also a female and atsushi was obviously a bit sad because he loves kyouka but he understood and kyouka was mad because she didn't want to live her brother alone but she didn't really have a choice in a way so that how kyouka know nothing about it.

Atsushi was great at hiding a secret so he didn't really have to worry about anything But he knew one day, they would find out so when that day came he wasn't surprised that, they found out. Atsushi was doing his work as usual and nothing was different about this day until someone busted down the agency door. "You!! Have you seen my brother smiling!?" Gin said as she grab atsushi shirt and atsushi didn't say anything and suddenly atsushi got a call from akutagawa. "Hello?" Atsushi said and akutagawa just sighed. "if you say anything..I will murder you." Akutagawa said and atsushi wasn't surprised so he decided not to say anything because atsushi didn't really want to die anytime soon. "Oops...looks like I can't see anything." Atsushi said as he looks at gin and gin just sighed and everyone else was confused as fuck.

"Damm it!" Chuuya said and atsushi just smiled. "Explain?" Kyouka said and atsushi just giggled. "Look like Chuuya and gin found out about akutagawa being a youtuber." Atsushi said with a smirk and everyone was flabbergasted by that and honestly didn't believe that but it was true. "And you're also a youtuber!" Gin said and everyone was more shocked and atsushi just nervously smiles. "Huh!?" Dazai said as he sit up and atsushi just nodded. "That true." Atsushi said and no one could believe it because they didn't expect it but it was all true. "I did it for fun and I didn't expect to be so popular." Atsushi explain and everyone was just trying to process all that because that was a lot to take in but it was more surprising because he plays with akutagawa and they technically hate each other at one point.

"Oh my god.." Dazai said, even dazai was shocked. "It not fair!! Why does my brother show emotion with you but not me!?" Gin ask and atsushi didn't answer. Akutagawa is like emotionless with anyone else but when he with atsushi, he does show emotions so his sister was a bit jealous. "Hehe..I'm not really sure." Atsushi finally said and chuuya just sigh. "I'm glad akutagawa has a friend.." Chuuya said with a smile and gin nodded in agreement. Atsushi was just smiling the the whole time and the agency member were trying to process all of information because it was a bit too much for their brains.

"Wow..I'm happy you have a friend atsushi." Kyouka said and atsushi look offended by that. "I have friend.." Atsushi said as kyouka giggled and everyone was finally done processing all of that information and they were fine with it and they necessarily couldn't even stop it because no private information was shared so they're technically was no problem. Atsushi was asked a lot of questions though and he answered the best he could and still made sure not to mention about akutagawa because akutagawa likes to keep his life private so he didn't answer any questions about akutagawa.

Atsushi didn't stop making videos and he's still in the agency as well because he would never leave them because they technically helped him. Atsushi and akutagawa friendship is now a bit more open because everyone knows about it but they're still not used to it because they always act like they hate each other so it was a bit surprising but they did get used to it after many months and everything was back to normal and no one really questioned it.

(wasn't sure on what to do so just made something up I hope the requester like this!)

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