son//atsushi and natsume//

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-fluff and bit of angst

-au-natsume adopted atsushi.


(This is so random)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi use to live in a orphanage because his parents didn't want him but sadly he was locked up because the Headmaster of the orphanage considered him to be a monster. Atsushi didn't think someone would adopt him until one day someone did. Atsushi was sitting in the cage as usual but suddenly the headmaster came down. "you're lucky, you're being adopted today." The headmaster said as he grab atsushi by the hair and basically drags him up the stairs. natsume didn't really like how the headmaster treated the poor child and he would just kill the headmaster but sadly he couldn't.

"Here..take him." The headmaster said as he throw atsushi over to natsume and natsume just slowly pick up atsushi. "he has an ability, he can turn into a tiger and heal himself." The headmaster explain and then he walked away. "My natsume but you can call me dad or whatever, if you're comfortable with it." natsume softly said to atsushi and atsushi just looked surprised but then atsushi smiled as he lay his head on natsume chest. "Don't worry..I'll take care of you.." natsume softly said and atsushi was just happy.

natsume was a great father to atsushi and atsushi love staying with his new dad. "Oh my.." natsume said with a smile and atsushi just looked confused. Atsushi had grown two ears and a tiger's tail and atsushi didn't understand why he has them. "So adorable.." natsume said as he pat atsushi head and suddenly atsushi was purring or chuff. natsume found that adorable and atsushi was just loving it. 'Fukuzawa would love atsushi..atsushi is basically a cat..just like me..' natsume thought to himself and atsushi was giggling.

Atsushi did met fukuzawa and mori soon after, sadly natsume had some business to attend to so he wasn't able to watch his son so he had fukuzawa and mori watched him. "This is my son." natsume said to both mori and fukuzawa and atsushi just stare at them. "please watch him until I get back." natsume said as atsushi hold onto natsume, atsushi didn't want his father. "No..don't go.." Atsushi said as he looked at natsume with a sad eyes and natsume just sigh. " I'll be back, I promise. I just have some business to attend to..fukuzawa and mori will watch you and they won't hurt you." natsume said as he pat atsushi head and suddenly two ear and a tail popped out.

"Don't you dare touch him..I will murder you, if you do." natsume said to mori and mori just nodded as natsume walked away. Fukuzawa slowly pat atsushi head and atsushi just started to purr and fukuzawa just smile. "Huh..he meant be a tiger but I suppose..he would act like a cat.." Mori said and fukuzawa just ignored mori and he kept petting atsushi. Mori and fukuzawa obviously took great care in atsushi and atsushi got used to them. "Dad!!" Atsushi said as he run up to hug natsume and natsume just smiled. "Hello atsushi..did you have a great time?" natsume ask and atsushi just nodded. natsume was happy to hear that and mori and fukuzawa did see atsushi more often, after that.

Atsushi never join the agency or port mafia but he did visit them. "Hello. What can I do for you?" Kunikida ask atsushi and atsushi just stare at kunikida. "I'm looking for fukuzawa." Atsushi said, natsume has some paper for fukuzawa and atsushi was there to give the paper to Fukuzawa. "Atsushi?" Fukuzawa said as he walked into the main office and atsushi just smiled. "Here." Atsushi said as he give fukuzawa some paper and fukuzawa just pat atsushi head, which made atsushi ear and tail pop out. Atsushi just started to purr because Fukuzawa was petting atsushi ear.

"Ah..thank you for delivering these papers." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. "Are you a cat?" Dazai ask and atsushi just glare at dazai. "No, I'm a tiger." Atsushi said, the agency has actually never met atsushi before so this is their first time meeting. "Atsushi does has a father, that a cat so atsushi does act like a cat sometimes." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just looked shocked to hear that but it was true. "Oh? You mean, natsume?" Dazai ask and fukuzawa just nodded. "I didn't know he has a son!" Dazai said and atsushi just looked away. 'I heard father talk about him..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi know all the agency members and port mafia member but he never meet them. Either natsume talk about them or fukuzawa and mori talk about them.

"Can..I touch your ear?" Kenji suddenly ask and atsushi just nodded. Kenji was now petting atsushi ear and atsushi was smiling. "So soft!!" Kenji said with a big smile and fukuzawa just smile as well. "How is he doing?" Fukuzawa ask, he haven't seen natsume in a while so he wants to ask. "Father has been doing okay." Atsushi softly said and fukuzawa just nodded.

Atsushi sadly had to leave but he did visit the agency more because he wanted to. Atsushi would visit the port mafia and he would make mori like a living hell. "Oh dear.." Fukuzawa said as he walked into meeting room and atsushi just smiled. "Atsushi here?" Yosano said in confusion and the port mafia member just didn't say anything. "Atsushi know mori as well." Fukuzawa said and mori just sigh. "And..he likes to make my life a living hell.." Mori said and atsushi just giggled. The port mafia member also now known atsushi. "Isn't this meant to be a private meeting?" Chuuya ask and both fukuzawa and mori nodded. "Atsushi is allowed to be here." Mori said and no one questioned it.

Atsushi love teasing mori at lot and the other find it funny. Atsushi may be funny and happy but sometimes he still get nightmares. "Father..?" Atsushi said as he open the door and natsume just looked at his son in confusion. "I..had a nightmare again." Atsushi said as he looked down and natsume eyes soften. "Oh? I see.." natsume said as atsushi lay down right next to natsume and natsume just play with atsushi hair as he slowly starts to hum, which make atsushi sleepy. Atsushi would always go to his father, when he has nightmares so this is normal. "sweet dreams.." natsume said as he put atsushi in his bed and natsume just smiled.

natsume doesn't regret adopting atsushi at all, and he love atsushi and he would do anything for his son. Atsushi is just happy to have a father that care and that's all that really matters at the end.


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