clingy atsushi//atsushi x chuuya// part 3

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(Someone wants a part 3!)

-fluff and bit of angst?

(Basically atsushi getting mad at dazai and mori)


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never really got mad unless it was about his boyfriend or kyouka. Atsushi was known as the sweet little tiger boy but if he wanted to, he could kill you. Dazai never actually believed it until atsushi got mad at him. "Aw~! Chibi!! You're so nice~!!" Dazai said, chuuya was picking up atsushi and dazai decided to be annoyed again but this time atsushi wasn't happy because he wanted cuddles. "Shut your damm mouth!" Chuuya said as he glare at dazai and dazai only smirked. 'If this bitch doesn't move, I'm throwing dazai out the window.' Atsushi thought to himself as he stare death into dazai soul. Dazai was moving at all so atsushi decided to throw him out the window.

'I'm throwing this bitch out the window!' Atsushi thought to himself as he grab dazai and slowly atsushi pick dazai up. "holy shit!! When was atsushi this strong?!" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi threw dazai out the window. "Atsushi!!" Kunikida said in shocked and chuuya just laughed his ass off. "Oh my god." Tanizaki said as he hold onto naomi and naomi was just shocked and terrified. Kyouka and chuuya looked so proud and the other were shocked expect for ranpo. "Is he alive?" Ranpo ask as atsushi looked outside and dazai was passed out on the ground and he was alive for now.

"Come on atsushi." Chuuya softly said and atsushi just smile and acting like nothing happened. "I'm so proud." Kyouka said as she fake wipes a tear away and Kunikida was shocked and concerned at the same time. "Huh?! Proud!?" Kunikida said and they all could hear chuuya laughing his ass off outside. "Can I have some tea on rice?" Atsushi ask and chuuya just nodded. "I'll buy you a whole store of tea on rice." Chuuya said as he get on his phone and atsushi just turn red from embarrassment.

After the agency got over their shock they went to grab dazai and he was perfectly fine but he sadly he a biy traumatized but he's already traumatized so a bit more isn't bad ans now the whole agency now knows not to mess with atsushi.

The whole port mafia has actually never seen atsushi mad expect for mori but they're going to see him mad really soon. Atsushi was yelling at mori again because of chuuya getting injured again on a mission and atsushi wasn't happy about it. "AHH!! GET YOUR DAMM BOYFRIEND CHUUYA!!" mori scream as he hide behind elise because atsushi broke his desk again. "So...mori screamed like a girl.." Kouyou said as she drink her tea and chuuya is just chuckled as he get up to get his boyfriend and the other port mafia member are just starting at each other in shock and surprise.

" can't kill my boss..." Chuuya said as atsushi glare at chuuya and mori is just holding onto elise for dear life. "I don't care!!" Atsushi said as he looks at mori and mori just doesn't say anything ad atsushi walk closer to mori. "Don't kill me!! I'm to young!!" Mori said and chuuya just hold back his laughter as atsushi hit the shit out of mori and he knocked out but sadly alive. "Atsushi, I'm alright." Chuuya said as he walked up to atsushi and atsushi just hug chuuya and they pay a no attention to mori. "I know..but still!! I don't want to see you hurt!!" Atsushi said and chuuya just kisses atsushi on the lip and atsushi just looked away.

"Come on, let go home." Chuuya said as he pick up atsushi and atsushi just hold onto chuuya as chuuya walk out of mori office. "Well..that surprising." Higuchi said as she grab onto gin and gin just doesn't say anything. "Boss is actually scared of atsushi..we all should be scared of him.." Tachihara said and akutagawa just doesn't say anything but he shocked as well. Mori is sadly perfectly fine but he's traumatized, which is probably a good thing.

Atsushi and chuuya did cuddle all night because atsushi didn't want to let go of chuuya and chuuya love cuddling with atsushi. Dazai now understanding why mori is scared and now he scared of atsushi and he doesn't even try to make atsushi mad.

(😭 I rushed to write this so this is pretty bad)

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