hacker//atsushi is secretly a hacker//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is secretly a hacker and still in the agency.


(They will find out because everyone wants them to find out)

(Good atsushi not evil!)

( half asleep writing this so it's terrible sorry!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to living orphanage and he basically was ignore most of the time but he had one thing and that was a computer and he used it all the time. Atsushi basically taught himself on how to hack but he never really used it for bad things because he didn't have the heart to do that but he knew how to. Atsushi was kicked out of orphanage at the age of 18 so now he was on his own and luckily someone found him and took him to the agency so that's how he got a job.

Atsushi realize hacking to be a good thing in a way so he used it for good but he never actually told the agency about it for some odd known reason. The agency never question on how good atsushi was on getting information because it was a good thing so they never questioned it until a incident happened. "Hmm..I wanted to know about those rookies from the port mafia..." Dazai said as he sit on his chair and atsushi was doing something on his personal computer. "Which one?" Atsushi suddenly ask and dazai just says some random rookie and suddenly atsushi had information on them. "Here." Atsushi said as he show dazai and dazai look so happy but everyone else was surprised.

"I love you atsushi. You my favorite!" Dazai said and atsushi just nervously smiles as he looks away. Dazai didn't question shit because he thinks it normal but the other questions it a lot. Atsushi pay no attention to the other stare and he focuses on his work as usual. "Atsushi..how did you do that?" Kyouka suddenly ask and atsushi suddenly looked horrified because everyone saw that and basically his secret is almost out now. "Well..I may know how to hack.." Atsushi whispered but everyone hear it and they look surprised and shocked at the same time.

"Wow!!" Dazai said with a smile and atsushi just looked down. Dazai honestly didn't care at all and he was fine with it because he see and heard worse so this is nothing but the other were a bit surprised and trying to process all that because they didn't expect it. Atsushi was a sweet, kind tiger so it was unexpected for him to know how to hack. Kyouka and kenji found that cool and kenji didn't really understand but kyouka did but she was it cool so she didn't mind or care.

"What?" Kunikida said as he sighed and atsushi just looked up. "I learned at my orphanage, I don't do anything bad.." Atsushi said and ranpo was actually impressed because even ranpo didn't know and he doesn't even know how to hack so it impressive. "Wow atsushi..even I didn't know!" Ranpo said as he throw atsushi a lollipop and atsushi catches it. "That so cool!!" Kenji said with a big smile and kyouka nod in agreement. "Wow atsushi..that impressive." Naomi said and tanizaki agreed with his sister and kunikida didn't know what to think about that so he didn't say anything yet.

"Yea, atsushi..that's really impressive." Yosano said as atsushi turn red from embarrassment, atsushi wasn't used to getting so many compliments so it was a bit awkward for him. "I must say..that's really impressive atsushi." Fukuzawa said as he walked into the main office, he heard everything and atsushi just turn more red. Atsushi didn't know what to say so he just stay silent. "I don't really mind you knowing how to hack. It is a useful thing to know in a way." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just looked surprised but he listened and kunikida nodded in agreement. "As long as you don't use it for any evil activities, it's alright." Fukuzawa said with a small smile and atsushi just smile.

"Wait..could you hack into the port mafia?" Dazai suddenly said and kunikida just glare at him. "I mean, I'm pretty sure I can but it might take a lot of work because of their security." Atsushi explain and dazai look so happy to hear that because he had new ideas now. "Dazai..you shouldn't use atsushi!!" Kunikida yell and dazai just started to whine and atsushi is just giggling. Kunikida was basically yelling at dazai for quite a while, and everyone just watched.

After a while kunikida stop yelling and now there's a new rule that you can't use atsushi for hack unless he wants to help. The agency also decided not to tell the port mafia because they could use that and tried to kidnap atsushi so it for atsushi safety. Atsushi is just happy to put the skill to use in a way because it's kind of fun to do it in a way.


(AND i hope the requester like this because all it said was secretly a hacker atsushi so I just made something up!)

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