mama//Yumeno and atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is a female in this and Yumeno and atsushi grew up in the same orphanage and atsushi took care of atsushi so that make atsushi Yumeno mama!

Warning: mention of abuse?

(I will be using she/her pronouns for atsushi because she's a female in this one shot!)

(Also Yumeno gender is unknown so I'm using they/them pronounce for them!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was always alone at the orphanage, she was the only one with an ability until someone else came. Atsushi was sitting in the basement as usual but suddenly some kid was throw down in the basement. "Ow!" Yumeno said as they hit the ground, and atsushi looked surprised but confused at the same time. "they also have an ability so they're staying with you.." The Headmaster said as he glares at yumeno and yumeno starts to cry. Yumeno was only a little kid and they didn't understand much so this was pretty confusing for them.

" okay.." Atsushi said as she walked over to yumeno and yumeno just kept on crying. Atsushi wasn't good at comfort but she knew hugging was a form of comfort so she decided to hug yumeno. 'This kid..they don't even look like there ten..' Atsushi thought to herself as suddenly yumeno hold onto atsushi. "How..old are you?" Atsushi ask, and yumeno slowly stops crying. "Six.." yumeno finally said and atsushi just felt bad for yumeno. "I'm atsushi.." Atsushi softly said and yumeno just nod. "yumeno.." yumeno said as they slowly yawn and atsushi just giggled.

yumeno fell asleep in atsushi arm and ever since that day atsushi swore she would protect yumeno at all cost. yumeno started to see atsushi as his mama because atsushi acting like a mom to yumeno. One day a incident happened, where they sadly had split up. "Run..yumeno" atsushi said with a sad smile and yumeno is just crying as they try to hold onto atsushi. "But mama..I don't want to leave you!" yumeno said and atsushi just looked sad. "I know but..I promise you, we'll see each other again.." Atsushi softly said and yumeno just keep crying. "Now run." Atsushi said and yumeno slowly let of atsushi and they run as fast as they can and atsushi just smile as she watches yumeno run away.

Atsushi was close to be 18 so she was going to get kicked out soon and she did get kicked out. Atsushi was glad to be out of the orphanage but she did wonder about yumeno. yumeno was found by the port mafia and they were taken so now they were locked up again but at least they got treated a lot better. Atsushi was found by the agency so atsushi now work in the agency but she always wondered about yumeno and one day they would finally meet again. yumeno was finally released from the prison so they were roaming around yokohama and atsushi was with naomi.

yumeno was shocked to see atsushi but they immediately recognized atsushi. 'Mama..' yumeno though to themselves as they suddenly run to hug atsushi and atsushi was just talking to naomi as she suddenly get hug. "Mama!" yumeno said as they hold onto atsushi and atsushi just looked surprised but then she suddenly smiled at yumeno. Naomi look confused but shocked at the same time. "I miss you!!" yumeno said as Tears start to fall down their eyes and atsushi went to comfort them. "I'm here..mama here.." Atsushi softly said as yumeno hug atsushi tighter and atsushi was so happy to see yumeno.

"yumeno..where did you go?" Atsushi suddenly ask, atsushi was wondering about that and yumeno just looked down. "..I was found by the port mafia..I've been locked up because of my ability but mori let me free for once!" yumeno said as they looked at atsushi and atsushi just looked upset. "Mama..don't be upset.." yumeno said as they hold onto atsushi again and atsushi just chuckled. "Atsushi..I have a lot of explaining to do.." Naomi said with a nervous smile and yumeno just glare at naomi. "I can stay with you!! Right mama!?" yumeno ask and atsushi just nodded as she pick up yumeno and yumeno just giggled.

"We should return to the agency and I'll explain everything." Atsushi said to naomi and naomi just nodded. "Who she?" yumeno ask as they pointed at naomi, and atsushi just chuckled. "Naomi." Atsushi said and yumeno just nodded as they lay there head on atsushi chest. The walk to the agency wasn't that long but no one expected to see yumeno expect dazai. "Q?" Dazai said and yumeno just hold onto atsushi for dear life and everyone just looked confused. "He won't hurt you..I promise." Atsushi said with a smile and yumeno just hide there head in atsushi shoulder. "So..why do they call you mama?" Naomi ask and dazai look surprised but confused. "Well..I was the closest thing yumeno has to a mom..and they just start to call me that, we grew up in the same orphanage." Atsushi said as she slowly played with yumeno hair and yumeno just doesn't say anything.

"I made sure yumeno escape the orphanage.." atsushi said as she looked down and yumeno just looked at atsushi. "Don't be upset mama.." yumeno said and atsushi just smile. "Q was lock up because of there ability..they can't control at all." Dazai explain but atsushi just suddenly got a idea. "What if they join the agency? They'll be under fukuzawa ability." Atsushi said and the agency member looked at each other and fukuzawa thought about it. "That could work.." Kyouka said, the agency member were technically fine with it but they do need fukuzawa approval because he the boss.

"I'm perfectly fine with it but I do need their consent for them to be able to join the agency." Fukuzawa said and yumeno just looked at fukuzawa. "I'll be with mama?" yumeno ask and fukuzawa just nodded. "Yes." Yumeno said as they hold onto atsushi and atsushi just giggled. "Alright then.." Fukuzawa said and dazai just sighed. "this will cause some drama though but I think mori might be fine with it, he never really use Q." Dazai said and yumeno just glare at dazai. "I guess, yumeno will stay with atsushi." Fukuzawa said and yumeno was happy to hear that. "Yay!" yumeno said with a big smile and atsushi just chuckled again.

"Well..everyone get back to work and atsushi take the day off to spend with yumeno." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. Kyouka was already done with work so she went home with atsushi and yumeno. "Kyouka live with me so you see kyouka often." Atsushi explain to yumeno and yumeno just nodded. "Kyouka is nice and she won't hurt you." Atsushi said, yumeno hear about kyouka but they actually never met before so this is the first time they met and yumeno trusted their mama so yumeno believe atsushi.

Yumeno was just happy to be with their mama again and atsushi still take care of yumeno. Some drama did happen but honestly mori didn't really care because he didn't use yumeno often so it wasn't a great loss. Yumeno did get used to the other agency members but it took a lot of time and everyone else is fine with yumeno. Atsushi is just happy and so is yumeno.

(Random idea, I got)

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