dad//fyodor and atsushi//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-fyodor is atsushi biological dad but atsushi is still in the agency.

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai).

(Fyodor is a good fathers!!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Fyodor accidentally got someone pregnant and the women obviously has the child but sadly she died due to the birth competitions so it was just now fyodor and little baby atsushi. Fyodor may have been a terrorist but he definitely was going to be a great father because that was the right thing to do. Fyodor wasn't really sure on how to be a father so it was definitely a learning experience but soon he got the hang of it and Fyodor was the great father to little atsushi.

Fyodor didn't want his son to be a terrorist so atsushi obviously wasn't going to join the decay of angels because fyodor didn't want his son to be a terrorist. Atsushi obviously knew about his father being a terrorist because it wasn't that hard to find out cuz basically everyone in Yokohama talk about a terrorist so it wasn't hard to find out. Atsushi decided to join the agency because atsushi wanted to help people and fyodor was happy about that and he let atsushi join because the agency member were actually good people.

Atsushi wasn't really sure on how to join the agency but he was just lucky because he found dazai trying to kill himself so that's how we kind of joined the agency. The agency member obviously treated atsushi very well and they kind of adore him in a way because he's basically a tiger or a cat but fyodor was happy about it. Atsushi was also happy and that all that really matters but the agency knew nothing about atsushi being foyodor son but of course one day, they would find out.

Atsushi and akutagawa were on a mission as always but something went wrong and atsushi was badly injured. Atsushi was rush to the agency and lucky enough was healed by yosano but it was very scary and Fyodor was worry for his son. Atsushi was in yosano office as he suddenly hear his father yelling. "Move it!" Fyodor said as he glare at dazai and dazai just glare back. Atsushi slowly got out of the hospital bed and slowly walked into the main office. The agency member were glaring at fyodor as well because they didn't really know why he was here. "Dad?" Atsushi suddenly said and Fyodor just looked so relieved and dazai just looked confused. "Atsushi..are you alright!?" Fyodor said as he walked towards his son and atsushi just smiled. Everyone else was confused and shocked at the same time as fyoodor hug his son.

(Honestly I'm not sure how fyodor ability work so he's allowed to control whoever he kills so he can touch his son without killing him.)

"Son!?" Dazai finally said, dazai wasn't expecting that at all and he certainly didn't expect a terrorist to be actually hugging someone. "Yes. Atsushi is my biological son." Fyodor explained and dazai just look flabbergasted by that. "biologically!? Who wants to have sex with you!?!" Dazai ask as kunikida slap dazai. "take this seriously!" Kunikida said as he glare at dazai and dazai just look like a confused little child. "I'm fine, yosano heal me so all I need is some rest." Atsushi softly said with a smile and Fyodor was just happy to hear that. "Thank you for healing my son." Fyodor said to yosano and yosano just smiled. "But seriously! Who wants to have sex with you!?!" Dazai ask as kunikida sigh and atsushi just started to laugh, dazai was actually asking a serious question.

"Anyways..atsushi is this true?" Fukuzawa ask as he walked into the room and atsushi slowly nod. "My son isn't a traitor and he will never join the decay of angels." Fyodor said as he glare at fukuzawa and atsushi just looked so worried because he didn't want to be kick out of the agency. "Well..I supposed this is technically okay because no private is shared between you two.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just sigh a relief as kyouka hugs atsushi and atsushi just hug back. "So..I'm still in the agency?" Atsushi asked and fukuzawa just smiled and nod. "Where atsushi mom thought?" Dazai suddenly ask and fyodor just looked so annoyed. "She died due to birth complications." Fyodor said as he looks down and dazai just look away. "I'm sorry to hear that.." Yosano said, atsushi didn't really look sad or anything because he didn't really know his mom. Atsushi obviously knew about his mom because fyodor told him but he doesn't have connection to his mom so he's not really sad about it.

"I should get going..atsushi..please get some rest and I'll check on you later." Fyodor said as he pat atsushi head and atsushi just smiled and nod. "Bye-bye dad!" Atsushi happily says as fyodor take his leave and everyone is just surprised now. "He is actually a good father though?" Dazai ask and atsushi honestly just looked annoying now but he did nod. "Yup! Dad is a great parent!" Atsushi said and honestly everyone was happy to hear that but it was a bit unusual because fyodor is a terrorist but at least he's a good parent. "Anyways, atsushi go home and rest." Fukuzawa said and atsushi didn't argue with Fukuzawa so he went home to rest and kyouka made sure atsushi did rest.

The agency member was fine with atsushi being fyodor biological son and it's technically was okay because no private information is shared so it's technically alright. Dazai may use atsushi to annoy fyodor now but everything else is normal and fyodor does make sure his son is okay.

(😭 I think I got this right but I might have not so I hope the requester likes this)

(And I tried to make it long so sorry if it's short!)

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