time travel//atsushi and dazai//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi time travels back in time and meets dazai but he's in the port Mafia.

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai), abuse.

( I rushed to write this so it might be terribly bad!!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was doing a mission as usual but suddenly he was teleported somewhere. 'I must be in the past..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked around, atsushi knew about the person ability so he wasn't shocked about being in the past but now he needs a way to get out of the past. 'Time travel is a strong ability..' Atsushi thought to himself as he get up and atsushi notices he's in a forest, which was odd but he ignored it. 'I'm in tiger form..I can't control myself..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi remembered everything but because he was in the past his body is different and he can't control his body at all.

Dazai was walking around the forest for some reason, when he stumbled upon a tiger. Atsushi obviously attacked dazai but dazai canceled atsushi ability so atsushi was back to normal. "A kid..with useful ability.." Dazai said to himself as he looked at atsushi and dazai decided to take atsushi. Atsushi only knew that dazai was in the port mafia but he didn't know anything else so this was going to be a big surprise.

'Look like akutagawa isn't here..which mean...he hasn't joined for port mafia yet..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked mori and mori look the same and act the same way as usual. Dazai was allowed to train atsushi so that how dazai became atsushi mentor, which wasn't any different. Atsushi basically treated dazai the same, which was odd because dazai didn't really understand why atsushi was being nice, dazai also knew nothing about atsushi time traveling. "Dazai, you shouldn't do that.." Atsushi said, dazai was talk about way to kill himself and atsushi was trying to convince him not too. "Atsushi~!! You're so kind!" Dazai said and atsushi just smiling, atsushi was really kind and dazai found that interesting.

Atsushi didn't know how to get back to the present so he was stuck in the past until the agency finds a way to bring him back so he's stuck with port mafia dazai for a while. Atsushi already knew the port mafia trained their members but he didn't expect it to be abused basically. Atsushi was on the ground and dazai was shooting at him. Atsushi would normally be mad but he wasn't for some reason and he felt sad almost. The training lasted quite a while because atsushi kept messing up but even after that atsushi still treated dazai the same, which confused dazai at lot. 'I don't understand..' Dazai thoughts to himself as he looked at atsushi and atsushi was just smiling as he talked about something. Dazai didn't understand atsushi at all, atsushi was sweet and kind and still treated dazai like a normal human being, which confused dazai a lot.

"Atsushi~ how about we grab some dinner?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. Dazai obviously pay for it but dazai honestly just wanted to know more about atsushi because atsushi was different than most humans. "Atsushi~ you're so kind.." Dazai said as he lay his head on atsushi lap and atsushi just giggled. Dazai was drunk so he didn't really know what he was saying but atsushi was giggling so it must be funny. "Atsushi~" dazai said as atsushi started to play with dazai hair and dazai just felt asleep right there and atsushi was there the whole time.

Dazai would usually always go to atsushi when he was drunk and atsushi would comfortable him the whole time. Dazai still never understood atsushi at all, atsushi was still sweet and kind even after all the beatings. For the first time dazai couldn't understand atsushi and he didn't know what to think about that. The agency was trying their best to get atsushi into the present but it was taking a long time so atsushi had to wait a lot more, which he didn't mind at all. Atsushi got used to living in the past and it became a normal routine.

Atsushi was doing his normal thing as usual, when suddenly a light was surrounding atsushi. Atsushi was just surprised incidentally he was back in the present. "I'm dizzy.." Atsushi said as dazai hug him. "Atsushi~!! You're back!!" Dazai said and atsushi just smiling and pat dazai head. "Yes I'm back." Atsushi softly said and the agency was just relieved to see atsushi again because atsushi is technically the only one who can control dazai so dazai may have been a little shit, while atsushi was gone. "I missed you so much~!!" Dazai said as atsushi started to laugh. "I miss you too." Atsushi softly said and everything went back to normal. Dazai from the past forgot everything about atsushi so nothing was changed at all and everyone stay the same.

(I know it short!! Im sorry!!)

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