poison//atsushi angst//

418 11 4

-angst and fluff

Warning: suicide, poison, mention of hallucinations.

(Atsushi angst)

(Shin souokoku)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Everyone knows that atsushi had a pretty fucked up past but they all thought atsushi was fine after all of that but they were wrong. Atsushi was suffering from his past and no one seems to notice it at all, which is probably because they work a lot so they don't really have time for their self anymore. Atsushi just couldn't take it anymore, atsushi was under a lot of stress and dazai certainly didn't help at all and actually was a cost of most of atsushi stress so atsushi decided to finally end his suffering because he just couldn't take it anymore. Atsushi planned it out perfectly and soon it was time.

Atsushi and akutagawa were on a mission and atsushi decided to do right there and right now because it was perfect moment. Atsushi was holding a bottle of poison and atsushi drunk all of it but akutagawa saw it all. "Jinko..." Akutagawa said in shocked as atsushi look at akutagawa and then atsushi smiled and suddenly coughed up a bunch of blood. "Atsushi!" Akutagawa said as he grab atsushi body because atsushi had fallen to the ground. Akutagawa quickly text dazai to let him know that atsushi need yosano immediately because atsushi was obviously slowly dying from the poison.

"Atsushi..come on..stay awake.." Akutagawa said as he hold onto atsushi and atsushi was just smiling at akutagawa as he slowly closed his eyes. The poison was reacting really fastly, which was a bad thing but every second atsushi breathing was getting worse and worse. "Atsushi.." Akutagawa said as tears slowly starts form in his eyes, akutagawa would never admit it to anyone but he loved atsushi and now atsushi was in his arms slowly dying. "I'm here!" Yosano said as she run up to them and she saw all the blood. Yosano immediately used her ability to heal atsushi and she didn't have to do any work because atsushi was already half dead. "Don't touch him.." Akutagawa said as he slap yosano hand away.

"What happened?" Yosano ask, and akutagawa just didn't say anything. "he drunk a bottle of poison.." Akutagawa finally said as he hold onto atsushi a lot tighter and yosano just look horrified and shocked. "I'm here.." Akutagawa whisper to atsushi but atsushi was unconscious so he heard nothing. "We need to get him to the agency.." Yosano quietly says and akutagawa slowly get up and was holding atsushi the whole time. The other agency member were waiting for yosano to come back but they immediately knew something was wrong because yosano was death silent.

"Atsushi..what happened!?" Kyouka ask as she glare at akutagawa and yosano just keeps quiet and walks her office and akutagawa follows her. Akutagawa didn't dare leave atsushi side and he basically glare at any of the agency members if they walk into yosano office and yosano went to talk to fukuzawa because she technically had to inform him because it was self harm. Atsushi mostly stayed unconscious for quite a while, which wasn't unusual. "Akutagawa..?" Atsushi said as he looked around and akutagawa immediately smiled. "Atsushi.." Akutagawa softly said as he went to hug atsushi and atsushi just look shocked because he wasn't expecting akutagawa to hug him.

"I'm here.." Akutagawa said as atsushi slowly starts to tear up and suddenly atsushi was crying and holding onto akutagawa. Akutagawa just hold onto atsushi as well because he certainly wasn't going to let atsushi be alone for a while. "Why?" Akutagawa finally ask and atsushi just doesn't say anything for a while and keep crying. "I was tired..I couldn't take it anymore..each night is always a nightmare..doing dazai work because he too fucking lazy..it just so much, hallucinations as well.." Atsushi finally slowly said and akutagawa was just comforting atsushi the whole time. "Why do you care..?" Atsushi ask as he wipe tears away, atsushi didn't understand why akutagawa care so much because akutagawa act like he doesn't care.

"Because..I care for you..I love you and I don't want to lose you." Akutagawa finally said as he hug atsushi again and atsushi was so shocked about that but then atsushi just smiled because atsushi also love akutagawa but obviously didn't say anything because atsushi didn't really know how to confess this feelings and he thought akutagawa hated him because that's how akutagawa act. "The other know nothing yet.. except for yosano and your president." Akutagawa said and honestly atsushi expect that so it wasn't surprising or anything. Yosano was mostly just doing her job so that's how the president knows so atsushi wasn't mad at all. "I know...this is probably the wrong time to ask this but will you be my boyfriend?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi slowly nodded. "Yes." Atsushi said as they share a kiss and now it was time to face the others.

"Atsushi!" Kyouka suddenly said as atsushi walk into the main office and immediately kyouka hug atsushi. "Atsushi..are you feeling alright?" Yosano softly ask and atsushi was honestly a bit weirded out because he's never seen yosano so serious so it was a bit odd for atsushi. "I feel better..after crying.." Atsushi said but he whispered the last part and akutagawa just didn't say anything and was right next to atsushi the whole time. "Atsushi..we do need to talk about what happened.." Fukuzawa suddenly said and atsushi already knew that.

"I don't want to talk about in in front of everyone.." Atsushi said, atsushi honestly didn't want everyone to know right away and fukuzawa understood that so yosano, atsushi and fukuzawa went into his office and akutagawa mostly just waited at the door because atsushi actually wanted to make sure that dazai didn't try to listen through the conversation. Ranpo sadly already knew everyone because he knew atsushi wanted it to be private so he didn't say anything which kind of made dazai mad because he likes to know everything.

"I understand atsushi..if you want akutagawa to watch you...I will let mori know." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. "you also will get a few days off and when you come back, you will have less work..and we promise..we will make dazai do his own work." Yosano explain and atsushi was happy to hear that. Atsushi just now had to tell kyouka because atsushi and kyouka live together. "Kyouka..I'm going to be staying at ryuu..you can stay at the dorm alone or stay with yosano.." Atsushi slowly explain and kyouka just glared at akutagawa.

" if you hurt atsushi in any way..I will find you..and skin you alive and you will become my rug." Kyouka said and honestly everyone was fucking horrified at that. "Yes..I promise.." Akutagawa said and kyouka just nodded and went to hug atsushi again. "Let me know if he hurt you." Kyouka said as atsushi pat kyouka head. "Yes..I will let you know." Atsushi softly said and then atsushi and akutagawa were finally going to akutagawa place. "Gin might be home so you will see her sometime." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nodded.

"The were-tiger?" Gin said as she looked at her brother and then atsushi. "Atsushi..will be staying with us for a while.." Akutagawa said as he slowly turn red and gin just nodded. "Okay, I'll be making dinner today." Gin said and akutagawa just nodded. Gin was very welcoming and made atsushi fell at home. Gin didn't push for any details because it was kind of wrong to do that but after a while atsushi did explain everything and gin was supportive and she was happy that her brother found someone because he's pretty lonely actually. The other agency member and the other port mafia member weren't informed of anything but mori obviously knew but he knew it was a private matter so he kept it a secret.

Atsushi wasn't allowed to be alone at any time and lucky enough atsushi didn't really want to be alone so it worked out pretty well. Akutagawa took great care of atsushi and made sure atsushi was comfortable 24/7. "Ryuu.."atsushi said as akutagawa kisses atsushi again, akutagawa was smiling as well. "Yes love?" Akutagawa said and atsushi just giggled. "When..will I be able to work again?" Atsushi ask, atsushi didn't know the exact date when he was allowed to actually work again. "Soon." Akutagawa softly said as he played with atsushi hair and atsushi just nodded and slowly went to sleep because atsushi was pretty tired. Akutagawa was just watching his boyfriend sleep.

Atsushi was able to go back to work after a few more days but obviously he didn't get much work because they wanted to make sure he wasn't under a lot of stress and dazai was forced to do his own work. Akutagawa made sure atsushi was okay each day and atsushi and akutagawa basically have a great relationship and no one knows about it expect for fukuzawa, gin, yosano, ranpo and mori but the others know nothing yet.

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