clingy atsushi//atsushi x chuuya// part 2

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(Someone wants a part 2 so ye)


(This is mostly atsushi being clingy again)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The agency and mori are used to seeing atsushi being clingy or grumpy but the rest of the port mafia members know nothing about relationship yet. "What the fuck?" Akutagawa said as he walked into the meeting room and chuuya is already there and he holding atsushi as atsushi has his head into chuuya neck. "So why is he clingy this time?" Mori said, this is a normal thing for him so he not surprised. "Nightmare." Chuuya said as he play with atsushi uneven hair and suddenly atsushi was purring or cuffing. Mori just nodded and akutagawa just looked confused.

"we're dating." Chuuya said and honestly akutagawa was surprised and confused at the same time as he hears those words. The reason why the port mafia members were meeting up in the meeting room was because they were having a meeting with the agency. "" Akutagawa said as he sit down and he just doesn't say anything at all. The rest of the members start to show up as well and they were obviously confused as well because they knew nothing. "Ah! Look like atsushi is already here!" Dazai said as he walked into the main room and chuuya just glare at him. After everyone from the port mafia got over their shock, the meeting started as usual.

Atsushi did pay attention the whole time but he was also cuddling chuuya too. "Alright! That the end of the meeting!" Mori said and everyone just nodded. " problem..atsushi won't let go.." Chuuya said with a nervous smile and atsushi just doesn't move at all. "Oh..really? It can't be that hard, I can just grab him." Dazai said and mori just looked away as dazai tries to grab atsushi but atsushi just hold onto chuuya more. "Oh wow, was atsushi always this strong?" Dazai said in shock and the other were just watching because they were curious. "Maybe..maybe not." Chuuya said as atsushi lay his head on chuuya chest and dazai just looked at the president. "I supposed atsushi can stay with chuuya, atsushi already did most of his work so it not a problem." Fukuzawa said and mori just nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to deal with angry atsushi so just go home." Mori said, chuuya just nodded and atsushi was happy to hear that. "Oh? Atsushi get angry?" Dazai said, the agency has never really seen atsushi mad yet so that was a bit surprising. "Yes, I almost died." Mori dramatically says and chuuya just laughed. "You didn't die but atsushi did break the desk and almost stabbed mori.." Chuuya said, it was the first time mori found out about atsushi and chuuya relationship and atsushi wasn't happy about chuuya going on a mission overseas so he almost killed mori because of that, that why chuuya isn't allowed to go on overseas missions unless it's the last resort.

"Wow.." Kunikida said, the other agency members were surprised but dazai honestly didn't believe it but he will, once atsushi get mad at him. "Chuuya..I want to go home!" Atsushi said as he whined and chuuya just nodded. "Yes..yes we're going home, you big baby." Chuuya said as he walk away and everyone just stare at them as chuuya walk towards the elevator so he can go down. The car ride was fairly quiet and the driver wasn't long. "Atsushi..sweetie, we're home." Chuuya said as he pick up atsushi and atsushi just clings onto him.

Atsushi just kisses chuuya on the lip and then he lay his head on chuuya chest as chuuya unlock the door to his house. "Cuddle." Atsushi said, and chuuya just nodded as he walked into the bedroom. "Atsushi..I had to change into something comfortable." Chuuya said as he sit atsushi down and atsushi just whines but does let go of chuuya. Atsushi was already wearing something comfortable so chuuya quickly changed. "Alright done." Chuuya said as he sit down on the bed and atsushi quickly lay on chuuya lap and slowly atsushi rolls into a ball as he purrs. Chuuya just smirk as he play with atsushi hair again and they stayed like that for a while.

Atsushi is like a oversized cat but that's what chuuya love about atsushi. "Atsushi..we have to eat." Chuuya softly said and atsushi just nodded. He didn't argue because he was pretty hungry too so they both had lunch, which chuuya cook because atsushi isn't a great cook. "I love you.." Atsushi softly said as he hug chuuya again and chuuya just chuckled. "I love you too." Chuuya said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and atsushi kisses back. Atsushi just smile again as chuuya pick him up and they cuddle again.

Chuuya doesn't mind cuddling with atsushi and he actually happy to do it. Atsushi just purr into chuuya chest, which is adorable. Soon atsushi fall asleep on chuuya chest and chuuya just chuckled as he played with atsushi hair again and soon he was sleeping too.

(I didn't know what to do so I just made something up)

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