clingy atsushi//atsushi x chuuya//

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(clingy atsushi)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and chuuya have been together for a while now. Atsushi and chuuya basically met on a mission once and they've been talking ever since so that's how they got together. atsushi can be pretty clingy sometimes but chuuya find that so adorable and cute so he doesn't mind it. Chuuya had a mission and sadly it was overseas so he would be gone for a while. "What!?! No!!" Atsushi said as he hold onto chuuya and mori just starts to chuckle. "I know may not like this...but sadly this is our only option.." Mori explain as atsushi started to tear up and chuuya tries to comfort his boyfriend.

The whole port mafia knows about atsushi and chuuya dating but the agency hasn't found out yet. "But!! I don't want you to go!!" Atsushi said with puppy dog eyes and chuuya just looked away because he can't say no to his boyfriend so it's pretty hard. "I know sweetie..but I'll be back in no time.." Chuuya softly said as he started to play with atsushi hair and atsushi just starts to whine. "When chuuya get back..he can have whole day off, just spend time with you." Mori said and that seems to calm down atsushi a bit but atsushi was still sad. "Be safe.." Atsushi said as he hug chuuya again and chuuya just kisses atsushi on the lip. "I will." Chuuya softly said and after a few more kisses, chuuya had to leave.

Atsushi tends to get more grumpier, when his boyfriend leaves so it was no surprise atsushi was grumpy. "No!" Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and dazai just look confused and surprised. "It seems atsushi is grumpy." Ranpo said as he sucks on his lollipop and everyone is just surprised because they never seen grumpy atsushi before. "Why is atsushi grumpy though?" Kenji ask and ranpo honestly has no idea on why and atsushi wasn't explaining shit at all. "Atsushi isn't doing my work.." Dazai said as he sit down and kunkida just sighed. "Look like he not doing his own work..." Kunikida said, this was now becoming a problem. "Let atsushi be, I mean, we all become grumpy once in a while." Yosano said and that was true so everyone basically just ignored it because it's somewhat normal to become grumpy so they didn't get mad at him.

"It a bit weird to see atsushi grumpy.." Naomi said to her brother and he just agreed. They never seen atsushi so grumpy before so it was bit of a new thing but they didn't mind it but it was a bit odd. Chuuya obviously hear about his boyfriend being all grumpy and he couldn't wait to come home so he can cuddle his boyfriend all night.

Chuuya was finally back in Yokohama and the first stop was the agency to pick up his grumpy boyfriend. The agency didn't know chuuya was on a mission and they didn't expect to see him in agency. "Chuuya." Dazai said, dazai looks very serious and everyone else was ready to fight because there was a port mafia executive in the building. "Calm down, I'm ot here to fight." Chuuya said as he walked up to his grumpy boyfriend and everyone looked confused. "Atsushi..sweetie, I'm back." Chuuya softly said as atsushi grab onto chuuya and basically clings on to him. "Sorry. Atsushi can get a bit grumpy when I'm gone..I was on a Mission overseas." Chuuya explained as atsushi put his head into chuuya neck and chuuya just chuckled.

"Me and atsushi are dating." Chuuya said and now it made sense to the agency. "I wanted to go home.." Atsushi said to chuuya and chuuya just nod. "Welp, we should get going. Atsushi is going to be clingy for a while." Chuuya said as he starts to walk away and everyone just stares at them but doesn't stop them from leaving. The agency member couldn't really do anything about it but they were happy that atsushi wasn't going to be grumpy anymore. "I miss you." Atsushi said as he kisses chuuya and chuuya kisses back. "I miss you too~" chuuya said as he get into the car with atsushi in his arm and the driver just starts to drive away. "Don't worry, two day off, just to spend time with you." Chuuya softly said and atsushi was happy to hear that, usually mori wouldn't give them time off after a mission but he scared of atsushi so he'll do it because he doesn't want to see angry atsushi.

"Chuuya.." Atsushi whisper as he lay his head on chuuya chest and chuuya just play with atsushi hair. The Drive was a bit long but soon they made it to chuuya mansion and chuuya just carry his boyfriend into the house. "Cuddles.." Atsushi said and chuuya just nod and walks towards the bedroom. "Come on atsushi..let me get into something comfortable.." Chuuya said as atsushi whine but he did let go of chuuya so chuuya could change into something comfortable. "I love you." Atsushi said as he grab onto chuuya again and chuuya just smiled. "I love you too." Chuuya said as he lay down and atsushi and chuuya mostly cuddled for the whole day but they did have to eat so chuuya made dinner.

"I were grumpy most of the time, I was gone.." Chuuya said with a smirk and atsushi just looked away but nod. "So adorable~" chuuya said as atsushi turns bright red from embarrassment and chuuya just finds that so cute. "I'm here now and I'm not going on any overseas missions anytime soon.." Chuuya softly said as atsushi cuddles into chuuya chest and chuuya could hear atsushi purring or chuff. 'So cute..' Chuuya thoughts to himself as he slowly played with atsushi hair again and atsushi actually falls asleep this time. "Good night." Chuuya said as he kisses atsushi forehead and chuuya went to sleep as well.

The next day was same as usual, mostly just cuddling. Chuuya didn't mind cuddling with his boyfriend all day because his boyfriend's so adorable, atsushi was just happy to have his boyfriend back.

Chuuya did sadly have to go to back to work though but at least they spend two days cuddling with each other. Atsushi also went back to work but the agency did have many questions about their relationship, which wasn't surprising to be honest. "Wow! Can't believe chibi actually found someone but why my student!?!" Dazai said as he started to fake cry and atsushi just nervously laughs. "Mori already knew about our relationship and he's completely fine with it as long as no private information is shared, it's okay." Atsushi said and the agency was happy to hear that and they didn't really care about the relationship and everything went back to normal but they did see more of grumpy atsushi.

( the random idea I got)


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