a secret ability//atsushi secret//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi has a secret ability and it a teleporting ability just like nikolai and atsushi is in the agency.

Warning: mention of abuse.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has a secret ability and the ability is basically teleporting just like nikolai. Atsushi didn't realize he has his ability until a incident in the orphanage. Atsushi was a trying to escape the beating, when suddenly he was teleported somewhere. Atsushi was so confused because he didn't know anything about abilities and he didn't know he had an ability or even two abilities so it was pretty surprising and confusing at the same time for little atsushi. "Wow.." Atsushi said to himself, atsushi was still pretty confused but at least he escaped the beating.

Atsushi use this ability a lot and he used it to find research about ability so he now knew all about ability so atsushi wasn't confused now. Atsushi found out about his tiger ability by accident but he decided to use that ability mostly so he basically hid his second ability so no one knew about him having a second ability  which was a good thing in a way.

Atsushi join the agency because he was found so atsushi wasn't homeless anymore and worked in the agency but even they didn't know about the second ability. Even ranpo has no idea but that's because he has no evidence to go on so of course he doesn't know yet. Dazai doesn't even know, which is actually surprising but a good thing. Atsushi didn't plan on telling them anytime soon but something happened and they found out.

Atsushi was on a mission alone, and it was a very risky mission so it was a bad thing he was alone. Atsushi was on call with ranpo because atsushi needed information and ranpo has it. "Atsushi!! Run!!" Ranpo suddenly said as someone shot at atsushi and atsushi quickly dodged in time but there was more gunshots and it was surrounding atsushi. Atsushi wasn't going to make it at all because these bullets were special as well so they would stop his healing ability so he had no choice but to use his teleporting ability. 'Well..shit..' Atsushi thought to himself as he glare at the person, who was shooting and suddenly atsushi was gone and the shooter was dead ass confused because atsushi literally just disappeared. The agency was worried for atsushi because it was a life or death situation so it was no surprising they were worried but suddenly atsushi was back in the agency building.

"How the fuck!?" Dazai said and atsushi just nervously smiles. The agency member were deadly confused and atsushi kind of had no choice but to explain it. "I may have a second ability and it's basically teleporting.." Atsushi slowly said as he tries to make himself smaller and everyone else is just shocked and surprised at the same time. "What?" Kunikida said, he honestly thought he was hearing things but apparently he wasn't and atsushi was just now looking scared. "Please don't be mad." Atsushi whisper as he hold his head and kunikida just sighed. "is there a reason you didn't tell us?" Yosano softly ask and atsushi just nod. "most people only have one ability so it was very odd to have two abilities, I was just scared, I suppose.." Atsushi explain as kyouka slowly walk up to atsushi and hug him.

"It alright.." Kyouka softly said as she play with atsushi hair and atsushi slowly calm down. "Atsushi.. we're not mad at you, we're just bit surprised." yosano said and everyone just nodded in agreement and atsushi was happy to hear that. Kyouka was still playing with atsushi hair but atsushi was finally calm and wasn't scared anymore. "Well..it is a bit odd, most ability users only have one ability so it is very odd..." Dazai said and that was true. Most ability users only have one ability so it's very odd or even weird to have two abilities but it does happen sometime. "it's not unheard of, some people just have two abilities but it's very rare.." Ranpo said and atsushi already knew that so he wasn't surprised. The agency was actually curious on why atsushi had two abilities but they'll never know the reason why but they will be curious no matter what.

"Atsushi..you won't be kicked out the agency because you have two abilities so you don't have to worry about anything." Fukuzawa softly said and atsushi was happy to hear that. "Anyways..atsushi..maybe you should take a break.. you seem really shaken up because of this.." Tanizaki said and everyone agrees with him. Atsushi was shaken up and it was probably a good idea for atsushi to take a break. "Are you sure?" Atsushi ask as kyouka basically drags atsushi out of the agency building. "yes take the day off." Kunikida said and atsushi just didn't argue because he was already out of the building and on the way home with kyouka. "I think, it's cool you have two abilities." Kyouka softly says and atsushi just smiled. Kyouka found it cool and she didn't mind it at all because it didn't affect the way she thinks about atsushi.

"I won't tell anyone about this." Kyouka said, the agency member already knew so she just has to keep it a secret from the port mafia. Which should be easy because they don't know yet so there shouldn't be any problems so atsushi doesn't have to worry about anything. "Rest.." Kyouka softly said as atsushi get into his bed and atsushi just nodded. Kyouka made sure atsushi got plenty of rest before going back to the agency and nothing changed at all and basically atsushi keep the second ability a secret to the public because he's not ready for everyone to know because he doesn't want to be judged or anything like that.

(😭 I totally rushed to write this so it's probably very bad and probably short so sorry!!!)

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