accidentally meeting//higuchi and atsushi//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

(I really feel like atsushi and higuchi would actually be good friends)


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and higuchi have met on a few occasions but that was mostly, when they were fighting so they actually never got to talk to each other until now. Both atsushi and higuchi were going to lupin bar for many reasons and they accidentally bumped into each other.  "Sorry!" Higuchi said as she looked at atsushi and atsushi just looked dead inside because of lack of sleep he was getting because of dazai. Atsushi was staring at higuchi and she was crying because of akutagawa slapping her. Higuchi eyes were a bit red from the crying. "Oh..I honestly didn't expect to run into you here." Higuchi said in shock and atsushi just try nervously smiling but fails miserably.

"I just has a long day, I suppose." Atsushi said and higuchi nodded understanding that because working in the port mafia isn't easy either. "So, why are you crying?" Atsushi suddenly ask and higuchi just looked down. "Ah..akutagawa..slap me again." Higuchi said and honestly atsushi felt bad for higuchi. "How about we get some drinks and talk more?" Atsushi suggested and higuchi took the offer because she nothing better to do. "So..why do you look so dead?" Higuchi ask as she sips on the alcohol and atsushi just sighed.

"lack of sleep, which is because of dazai." Atsushi said and higuchi just nod. "I heard about how dazai doesn't do his work in the agency apparently, when he was in the port mafia, he didn't do his work as well.." Higuchi explained and atsushi honestly wasn't surprised about that and he expected that. "You should do something about that though, lack of sleep is bad..boss yelled at me once because of that." Higuchi said as she laughed and atsushi didn't expect that at all.

"And you shouldn't let akutagawa hit you. It wrong." Atsushi said, atsushi respects women unlike akutagawa. "He my supervisor, he can technically do that it's part of the job in a way.." Higuchi said as she sighed and atsushi just nodded. "I know but still it wrong." Atsushi said as he takes a sip of the alcohol and higuchi just smiled. 'He really is a gentleman..' Higuchi thought to herself, atsushi was great men unlike akutagawa. "I honestly don't want to deal with dazai tomorrow.." Atsushi said as he finish his drink and higuchi just nod understand.

"I think, chuuya would always knock out dazai, when he didn't want to deal with him so you should try that, if you want." Higuchi suggested and atsushi thought about that because it would work. "Huh..might as well do that." Atsushi said, atsushi knew he wouldn't get in trouble so it worked out perfectly. "I honestly didn't expect to be talking with you but here we are." Higuchi suddenly said as she chuckled and atsushi nodded in agreement. "It nice to talk to someone without fighting.." Atsushi said and higuchi just nodded in agreement.

"You really are nice..kind of hard to believe your in the port mafia." Atsushi said as he looked at higuchi dead in the eyes and higuchi just smiled. "Boss say the same thing.." Higuchi said as she nervously smiles, she has her reasoning for being in the port Mafia and atsushi didn't push for the reasoning because he didn't have a right to know and it's none of his business.

Atsushi and higuchi talk to many hours and they got drunk as well. Atsushi sadly had to work in the morning so he did have to go to sleep but he did make sure higuchi did get home safe and atsushi pass out, when he got home and they actually kept in touch after that because why not and they mostly hang out in the bar talking about random shit. Atsushi also did knock out dazai and it work dazai wasn't being annoying so atsushi got some decent sleep after that and the agency said nothing and they knew nothing about atsushi and higuchi friendship.

(Sorry!! I know it's short😭!!)

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