bet//shin soukoku//

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(Atsushi and akutagawa make a bet on who find out about them dating first)


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Akutagawa and atsushi have been dating for quite a while now and of course no one knows about it yet. Atsushi and akutagawa kept it a secret from multiple reasons but they decide a bit of fun with it because why not. "We should make a bet on who found out about us dating first." Atsushi suddenly said and akutagawa like that idea so they made a bet. "I think mori will known first." Atsushi said and akutagawa just looked confused. "Why?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just smirked. "Well..he always seen to know everything.. I bet he knows about what dazai does to chuuya.." Atsushi said and akutagawa was just honestly concerned for his boyfriend.

"Atsushi..what the actual fuck?" Akutagawa said and atsushi just giggled. "I think dazai." Akutagawa said and dazai also knows everything so they weren't sure on who was going to find out first so they just have to wait and see. "Dazai is smart..he might know first.." Atsushi said as he kisses akutagawa on the lip and akutagawa just smirk. "we have our guesses but are we betting money or something else?" Akutagawa ask as he kisses atsushi neck and atsushi just smirks as well. "Oh? Hmm..we could bet money, that would be the simplest idea." Atsushi said and akutagawa just chuckled. "Then money is it.. I bet 40 dollar." Akutagawa said, akutagawa could bet a lot of money because he is rich so even if he lost the $40, it didn't be a bad loss to him. "Hmm..30 dollar." Atsushi said and they shake hands to make it official so now they just have to wait.

Atsushi and akutagawa obviously didn't make it obvious that they were dating so it was going to be a bit hard for anyone to find out but someone did find out. They decided to expose atsushi and akutagawa at the party because the agency and port mafia was having a party to celebrate winning so everyone was going to be there so it was a perfect time to say it there. Atsushi was doing his own thing and so was akutagawa. 'Hmm, look like dazai doesn't know..I think and I can't really read mori so im not sure..' Atsushi thought to himself, it been quite a while so at least someone knows but obviously akutagawa and atsushi don't know the person yet.

"Oh! I totally forgot to mention that akutagawa and atsushi are together." Mori suddenly said to fukuzawa and everyone stare mori in shocked and akutagawa just sighed. "Well damm..I guess you were right." Akutagawa said as he pull out 40 dollar and atsushi is just laughing. "I'm always right." Atsushi said as he take the money and akutagawa just chuckled. "you're not always right." Akutagawa said and atsushi just looked away because it was true. "Let me feel like I'm always right.." Atsushi said as everyone looked at them for a explanation because they were confused now.

"we bet on, who would find out first." Akutagawa explain and that made sense but they were also wondering on how akutagawa and atsushi got together because they used to hate each other and they act like they hate each other so it was kind of a shock to everyone, even dazai was surprised. "When did you guys get together?" Chuuya ask and atsushi just looked at akutagawa and akutagawa looked at atsushi. "Eh..we got into a fight and accidentally confessed to each other." Atsushi said and dazai just laughed at that and that wasn't surprising at all.

"Wow.." Gin said, mostly everyone wasn't sure on what to say so they didn't really say anything but they did congratulate them are getting together because that's what people do and they accept the relationship because it's love and you can't stop love at all. "It not surprising..i mean mori is smart.." Atsushi said as he walked with akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. They were on the way home and they were talking about what happened. "Welp..they know we don't have to hide it anymore." Akutagawa said as he kissed atsushi and atsushi just kisses back. They didn't have to hide a relationship anymore so they didn't.

Atsushi and akutagawa of course kept their relationship a bit private but they showed affection in front of everyone and it took a lot of time to get used to.

(I know it's short I'm so sorry, I didn't know I didn't get long!)

(😭i might have mess up on this but im not sure)

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