Mommy byakko//atsushi and byakko//

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-fluff and bit of angst.

-au-byakko is basically a mom to atsushi and byakko is able to come out of atsushi body.

(Byakko is atsushi ability, if you didn't know that)

Warning: mention of abuse, mention of suicide(dazai)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

atsushi is technically a vessel for byakko but byakko see atsushi as her child and not a vessel so byakko obviously takes care of precious atsushi. Atsushi was a orphan so he had no mom or dad so byakko took the rule as a mom. Byakko would do anything for her child and I mean anything. Atsushi was in a abusive orphanage and byakko didn't like how her child was getting hurt so she decided to kill the headmaster of the orphanage. "Don't tiger cubs, I'm here." Byakko softly said as she licks atsushi body and atsushi just looked surprised because atsushi has never seen a talking tiger before.

"he won't hurt you anymore." Byakko said as atsushi looked at the headmasters is dead body and atsushi actually looked relieved. Atsushi was happy because he wouldn't be beaten
anymore and byakko would make sure her child is fed and happy. "I'll get you something to eat." Byakko softly said as she walked away and atsushi just looked so happy because he was really hungry and couldn't wait to eat something. Byakko could easily hunt for something so it wasn't hard to find a rabbit for her child to eat and lucky enough because atsushi is half tiger, he's allowed to eat raw meat and it wouldn't affect him at all. "Thank you.." Atsushi said as he eat the raw meat and byakko was just laying down and watching.

Atsushi was still a small kid so atsushi wasn't able to hunt on his own so byakko did most of that and still did it after atsushi was old enough to learn. Atsushi learned about how byakko was his ability and he mostly learned it from a book. Atsushi mostly wandered around because that's all he could really do. The agency was actually looked for atsushi because the people of yokohama was seeing a big ass tiger around the city so the agency was trying to find the ability user because they assumed it was the ability to user. Atsushi was by a river, when he saw dazai trying to commit suicide. "Did you save me?" Dazai ask as he sit up and atsushi just nodded and looked very confused.

"No!!" Dazai said and atsushi just looked confused and didn't really understand. "He a weird human, be careful around him my tiger cub." Byakko said, atsushi and byakko are obviously connected so byakko is allowed to talk and it's like a voice in atsushi mind so no one hears it except for atsushi. "Dazai!!" Kunikida yell as he slap dazai and atsushi just stand there and does nothing. "You idiot!! We're meant to be looking for a tiger not trying to commit suicide!!" Kunikida said and atsushi immediately looked horrified because he was the tiger and they were looking for him so he was obviously pretty scared. "Don't worry..I'll protect you.." Byakko said, she knew her child was scared so she obviously try to calm down atsushi and it work a bit. "But we already found him!" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi just looked confused again.

"He the tiger!?" Kunikida said in confusion and atsushi just slow nod as he looked down. "You looked homeless." Dazai suddenly said and atsushi looked annoyed and byakko was mad. "Because I am homeless." Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and kunikida just sighed as he make a phone call to someone. "Alright..kid, you're staying with us." Kunikida said and byakko was even more mad because someone else called her child a kid and she has the right to only say that to her kid so she was jealous. "Alright.." Atsushi said as kunikida started to walk away and atsushi just followed behind.

Fukuzawa decided to give atsushi a job because he was homeless and atsushi start to work at the agency and he loved working there. Byakko was obviously happy for her child but sometimes atsushi can overwork himself. Atsushi was doing dazai work again and byakko wasn't happy about it because her child was overworking so she obviously did something about it. Atsushi suddenly was grab and atsushi immediately fell to the ground and byakko was right there. "Byakko.." Atsushi said as byakko starts to lay down on atsushi and everyone was just watching in shock and confusion at the same time. "Byakko! Get off of me!" Atsushi said as he tried to move but fail. "No." Byakko said and everyone was more shocked because it was talking tiger.

"Uh..where did the tiger come from?" Naomi slowly ask and atsushi just sighed. " my ability..she able to leave my body and she basically took care of me so I'm like her child and she wants to make sure I'm okay." Atsushi said as he turns a bit red from embarrassment and byakko looks proud. "you're overworking yourself." Byakko softly said and the agency was that concerned for atsushi health because apparently he was overworking himself. " that true?" Kyouka ask and atsushi just nodded. "Dazai is too lazy to do his own work so I do all of it and mine as well." Atsushi said, atsushi was confused because he thought everyone knew that. "Damm it! Dazai!" Kunikida said as he slap dazai and dazai just looked away as byakko glared at him.

"I guess..we have to thank byakko because we didn't know how much work, you were doing.." Yosano said and the others agreed with yosano and byakko was happy to hear that. "My need rest." Byakko said as she finally sit up and atsushi just nodded. "Can I touch you?" Kenji ask as he walks up to byakko and atsushi. "Yes." Byakko said as kenji slowly pet byakko and byakko love it, atsushi was just smiling the whole time. " will be taking a break and we will make sure dazai does his own work." kunikida finally said and atsushi didn't argue with kunkida and basically atsushi accepted the fact, he would be getting a break. Byakko was very happy to hear that because her child needed a break so she was glad.

"So atsushi..go home and rest." Kunikida said as atsushi stand up. "I'll check on you." Yosano said as byakko suddenly disappears because it would be a bit weird for a tiger to be walking around yokohama so it just makes it easier. Atsushi said goodbye and soon atsushi was on the way home. "Rest." Byakko said as she basically drag atsushi into his bed and slowly byakko grab a blanket and put it over atsushi. "Sleep my cub..I'll protect you for anything." Byakko said as she lay down and atsushi just slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Byakko basically watched her child sleep the whole time until kyouka came home.

Byakko doesn't really interact with any of the agency members except for kyouka and fukuzawa. Atsushi considers kyouka to be his sister so byakko also see kyouka as her child as well and byakko knowledge's fukuzawa because he gave atsushi a home so byakko is grateful. Byakko mostly ignore the other agency members except for kenji but that because he still a kid and the agency member don't the problem with byakko so when Byakko come out of atsushi body, they let her be around.

(Random idea)

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