wow//atsushi, chuuya and fyodor//

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(This a part two to gods//atsushi, chuuya and fyodor// because someone wanted a part two!)


-au-atsushi, chuuya and fyodor are gods.


(Basically The agency and port mafia find out about atsushi and chuuya being friends with fyodor)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The agency and port mafia can sometimes get a bit nosy or curious, when it comes to certain things and they were curious about chuuya and atsushi friendship so one day they decided to spy on them but maybe that was a mistake in a way because they learned a lot more than they're meant to know. "Is..that fyodor?" Dazai said in shock as atsushi walk up to fyodor and fyodor just looked annoyed but he does smile. The agency and port mafia was surprise but they didn't do anything yet.

"Fyodor! It nice to see, you're doing okay!" Atsushi said as he sit down and chuuya nod in agreement. "Of course, I'm okay..I know how to take care of myself." Fyodor said as he sit down as well and they order some drinks. The port mafia was surprise to see chuuya so calm and nice, it was a bit weird for them to see and fyodor was actually nice so it was very weird for all of them to see. Atsushi was laughing as he talked and fyodor was just smiling as well. "I wanted to confront them." Dazai said and everyone was fine with that so dazI slowly walked up to them but suddenly atsushi snaps his head and looks at dazai.

"God damm! What The fuck!?" Chuuya said in shock and dazai just look terrible at all. "Let me want to know why we're with fyodor?" Atsushi ask and dazai slowly nodded and atsushi just smiling. "we're friends with fyodor and sometimes we check up on him!!" Atsushi said and chuuya nod in agreement. Dazai just nodded but he wondered why fyodor need to be checked up on. "Fyodor is like a rat." Atsushi suddenly said and fyodor look so shocked and offended at the same time. "Rats!?!" Fyodor said as chuuya started to laugh. "And rats..they stay in the walls until they're hungry and that's how fyodor is so we check on him sometimes." Atsushi explain, and dazai was trying his best not to laugh and fyodor looked so offended to hear that.

Chuuya was laughing his ass off as fyodor glare at him and atsushi was just smiling. "Wow..didn't expect that." Dazai said and fyodor just frowns, which made chuuya laugh more. "Wow..what nice friends, I have.." Fyodor said as he looks at dazai and dazai just smirked. "Anyways, dazai, you should get going.." Atsushi softly said with a creepy smile on his face and dazai just nodded and he walked away. "At least..they didn't find out about us being..god.." Atsushi whispered and fyodor just nodded. It would be a bad thing if they all found out so it has to be secret, no matter what and no one can know.

"But really a rats!?!" Fyodor ask as atsushi started to giggle and chuuya was just smirking. "Yes. A rat because you're literally a actual rats." Atsushi said as fyodor look away and chuuya just laughed a bit more. Dazai obviously told the other agency and port mafia member about the conversation and after that, they left for their own safety for some reason. Atsushi, chuuya and fyodor obviously talk a bit more but soon they had to go there separate ways.

The agency and port mafia couldn't stop their friendship and each time they even ask atsushi give them a creepy smile so they were basically scared in a way to even ask but no private information was shared, they're just great friends. Atsushi also now called fyodor a rat now and fyodor just annoyed and tired.

( sorry I know it's short!!)

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