thank you

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This oneshots is now finished!! This took around 22 day to finish which honestly probably shouldn't be possible but I did it!

I didn't really imagine making a third atsushi oneshots but I did!

I do want to say thank you because it means so much to me, I always love reading the comment  I got and I love the request that you guys came up with, this mean so much to me.

I probably will make a another atsushi oneshots but I might make  oneshots about kunkida because i want kunkida angst, but I don't know, if people would read that so let me know I guess?

Or I might be crazy enough and just make both at the same time and manage it🤷‍♀️

I will be taking a break though because sometimes writing can be a bit stressful and I don't know how long it'll break I will be taking so I guess we just to wait and see!

Thank you for reading this!

I hope you enjoy reading it!

I love atsushi

atsushi oneshots 3Where stories live. Discover now