little//atsushi and kunikida//

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-fluff and bit of angst.

-au-atsushi age regressing.


(Age regressing is a temporary or long-term reversal of behavior to earlier states of development. It is normal and expected in children but does occur in adulthood as well. People sometimes revert to childlike behavior to cope with trauma, stress, and more for anyone that doesn't know what age regressing is!)

(I still dont know much about age regressing so there might be a few mistakes!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi know nothing about age regressing and he doesn't even know he is age regressing. All atsushi feel is fuzzy in his head as he tries to work on his papers but fails. Atsushi was very stressed and the yelling of kunikida didn't help and suddenly atsushi was under the desk because he was scared. He was now fully in age regressing, and everyone looked concerned for atsushi. "Atsushi?" Kyouka softly said as she sit on the floor right next to atsushi and atsushi just hide his head in his lay. "I'll get yosano." Naomi said, they all figured yosano could help but ranpo already knew what was going on.

"What happened?" Yosano ask as she walk into the main office. "Atsushi is regressing." Ranpo simply says and mostly everyone looked confused, yosano immediately understood but everyone else didn't. "What is regressing?" Kenji ask, and yosano just smiled. "to put it when someone kind of goes back to the early developments..It's a coping mechanism for stress, trauma and other things.." Yosano explained, everyone just nodded but then they looked at atsushi again.

"It a health coping mechanism so there nothing wrong with it." Yosano softly said as she goes closer to atsushi and atsushi just doesn't move or anything. "Atsushi..sweetie..are you okay?" Yosano softly ask, atsushi didn't really know what to say but he was scared. "Scared.." Atsushi whispers, atsushi has force himself to say something and yosano just smiled and nod. "Ah..the yelling has stopped, and I promise there will be no more yelling." Yosano softly said and atsushi just doesn't move or say anything. "..promise?" Atsushi finally ask and yosano just nodded. "I promise.." Yosano softly said and atsushi was happy to hear that because he hates yelling or any loud noise.

"Someone will have to watch atsushi until he back to his regular self and we'll have to explain it to him cuz he probably doesn't know what's happening." Yosano said as she looked at the other and the other looks at each other. "And no..kyouka you can't watch still a kid." Yosano said as she glare at kyouka and kyouka just looked away. "Oh! How about Kunikida!?" Dazai suddenly said and kunikida looked surprised. "So..kunikida will you watch atsushi?" Yosano ask, and kunikida just slowly nodded. Kunikida has some experience watching over the kid and it would be the best choice for him to watch over atsushi.

"Atsushi..kunikida is going to bring you home.." Yosano softly said as atsushi looks up. "Kuni?" Atsushi said, he couldn't say kunikida full last name so he shortened it. "Yes..kuni." Yosano said as she hold out her hand and atsushi slowly take it. Atsushi just stare at kunikida as kunikida slowly hold out his hand for atsushi to take. Atsushi slowly took kunikida hand and kunikida just smiled. "why don't you go say goodbye to everyone?" Kunikida softly said with a smile and atsushi just turn around a waves at everyone. "Bye-bye." Atsushi said, and of course everyone say goodbye as atsushi and kunikida left.

(Mom Kunikida)

"It a good thing that atsushi has found a coping mechanism right?" Kyouka suddenly ask as she looked at yosano and yosano just nodded. "I'll let the president know about this." Yosano said as she walked to fukuzawa office and everyone just nodded and they spoke went back to work. Atsushi hates the loud noise as they walked to kunikida apartment but at least the apartment was closed so the walk wasn't long. Once they were at kunikida apartment, kunikida took his shoes off and he has to help atsushi but he didn't mind.

"Are you hungry?" Kunikida softly ask and atsushi nodded as a no. Atsushi honestly wanted to cuddle but he was too scared to ask but it already seemed kunikida know what atsushi wanted. "We can cuddle and watch a movie, how does that sound?" Kunikida ask and atsushi looks so happy as he walked over to the couch with kunikida. Kunikida decided to put on a kid show but he wasn't sure, which one so he picked a random one. Lucky enough atsushi love it and he snuggled up to kunikida as he watched the show and kunkida was smiling the whole time.

Slowly atsushi started to feel a bit sleepy so Kunikida decided to grab a blanket but when he move atsushi whine because he wants to cuddle with kunikida. "Kuni.." Atsushi slowly said as kunikida quickly gets a blanket and comes back. "I'm here.." Kunikida softly said and atsushi just hold onto kunikida now as atsushi yawned. "It can sleep..." Kunikida said as he played with atsushi hair and atsushi slowly fall asleep on kunikida lap. 'this is going to be hard to explain to him when he's back to normal..' Kunkida thought to himself as he sighed but he doesn't have to worry about that right now.

Soon kunikida fell asleep as well.

(I honestly wanted to write something different)

(And please don't judge, i know none of you have judge anything I have wrote but i just want to make sure no one judges)

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