love//atsushi x Akutagawa x chuuya//

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-fluff and angst

(I don't think many people ship this but honestly I don't give a fuck. Random idea i got🤷‍♀️)

Warning: suicide, mention of hallucinations.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has been struggling a lot recently and definitely dazai doesn't help at all, in fact he might making it a bit worse. Dazai refuses to do his work so sadly atsushi has to do it all, which causes a lot of stress. Atsushi also gets a lot of nightmares and that makes them get less sleep and also the hallucinations have been getting a lot worse recently. Atsushi has been dealing with self harm for quite a while now and no one has noticed but that's because of atsushi regenerating ability. Atsushi decided he wanted to end it because it was just too much for him to handle.

Atsushi made it quick and simple and the plan was meant to work but someone did save him. Atsushi took a bunch of pills and he jumped off the tall building and akutagawa saw it happening. Akutagawa use his ability to grab atsushi but now atsushi was unconscious due to the sleeping pills so he decided to take atsushi to mori because he was a doctor. "Everything look normal, but he will throw up, when he wakes up." Mori explain to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. Akutagawa was so relieved to hear that, he may never admit this but he does love atsushi and chuuya as well. "I got your text..what happened?" Chuuya said as he walked into the room and he immediately looked at atsushi. "..atsushi tried to kill himself." Akutagawa said and chuuya was shocked to hear that and he honestly didn't believe it.

Atsushi was a kind, caring person and he acted like everything was fine. "I recommend, he talks to someone. Which shouldn't be me, I'm not a therapist in any way." Mori said as he walked away and akutagawa just looked down. Chuuya also had feeling for atsushi and they just never knew, if atsushi would want to be in a poly relationship or even like them so they never confessed. "I watched it happen, I saw him jump.." Akutagawa said and chuuya just rubs just back for comfort. Atsushi suddenly woke up and he wanted to throw up because of the pills so he did throw up. "That hurt.." Atsushi said as he back in the hospital bed and chuuya and akutagawa just didn't say anything yet.

"Jinko..why did you...jump?" Akutagawa slowly ask and atsushi just look away. "I..don't want to talk about it right now.." Atsushi said and both akutagawa and chuuya understand that so they didn't push for a reason why. "You can stay with us..if you want..I'm sure you don't want to go back to the agency, after doing this." Chuuya said and atsushi looked surprised but he nodded. "" Atsushi said in confusion and chuuya just chuckled. "Me and ryunosuke are dating." Chuuya explain and atsushi looked surprised but then he look sad but he didn't say anything.

Atsushi has weird taste in men so it's not surprising, he fell in love with to port mafia members. Mori did have to check atsushi again, just to make sure everything was alright and after that atsushi was allowed to leave. "Wow.." Atsushi said as he walked into chuuya and akutagawa house and he was amazed. "I'll make dinner." Chuuya said, akutagawa actually doesn't know how to cook so he never makes dinner. "Here..the guests bedroom, there's a bathroom connected to it so just use that one.." Akutagawa explain to atsushi and atsushi just nodded.

"I told fukuzawa..I was taking a couple days off for mental reasons and I told kyouka I was staying at a Hotel because I want a few days alone." Atsushi said to akutagawa and chuuya and they just nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" Chuuya ask and atsushi didn't answer for a while. "It..was just too much..I was always stressed..I had to do my own work and dazai as well..I get nightmares all the time so I don't sleep much and the hallucination have just gotten worse." Atsushi explain as Tears start to fall down his eyes and both akutagawa and chuuya were shocked because they didn't expect atsushi to be suffering that much.

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