the cat are attacked dazai//atsushi cat army//

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-au-atsushi make a cats army.


(Atsushi cats army will arise and take over the world)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi cats army, they all hate a certain person, which is dazai. They plan to make dazai life a hell but also make anyone else's life a living hell if they hurt their leader. Dazai was getting up for the day but there was two cats staring at him and dazai suddenly screamed. "Oh my god, atsushi what have you done?" Kyouka ask and atsushi was just giggling as he pet a cat. "I'm getting my revenge." Atsushi said with a smirk and kyouka just nodded. "ATSUSHI!! GET YOUR DAMM CAT!!" dazai scream, the agency member I'll live in the dorms so it's like a apartment complex so they obviously heard dazai screaming.

"Ow!" Dazai said as he tries to get the cat off of him and atsushi was just smiling as he hold a cat. Atsushi was loving this and no one could stop it because they would be next and they didn't want to be next so dazai was the sacrifice. Dazai would now run to the agency because if he didn't the cats would get him but at least he was on time now but that's because of the cats. "Please stop!!" Dazai said as he hold onto chuuya and chuuya is laughing his ass off. They had a mission together and some of the cats were following dazai and attacked him. Atsushi was watching the whole time too and he was petting a cat. " guys are doing such a good job.." Atsushi softly said to the cats and the cats are just meowing as atsushi pet them.

Dazai couldn't escape the cats, they were watching him all the time and they always follow him. "Oh dear.." Fyodor said as he watched dazai get attack by cats, fyodor and dazai were going to play some chess but the cats decide to attack dazai again. "Oh my..I shouldn't mess with atsushi.." Fyodor said as he started to laugh and dazai is just crying. Atsushi was also watching the whole time because he wanted to see this happened. The cats weren't scared of dazai, they could do anything to him and dazai just has to take it.

"Fuck!!" Dazai said as he falls to the ground again and suddenly a bunch of cats are just surrounding him and they're in public so everyone's seeing this but they're not helping him. "Oh god.." Akutagawa said, he had a day off and he was taking a nice walk but he saw his old teacher getting attacked by a bunch of cats but he didn't help dazai because he didn't want to be attacked by cats so he's saving himself this time. Dazai was just screaming and crying and atsushi was just watching from the window. "Good job." Atsushi said to the cats and the agency member are kind of scared of atsushi now except for kyouka, kenji and Fukuawa.

"Atsushi!" Kenji said as he walk over to atsushi and kenji was holding a kitten. "Ah! You found her!" Atsushi said as he grab the kitty and the Kitty immediately starts to purr. "Thank you." Atsushi said and kenji just smiled, everyone was ignoring dazai scream for help. Atsushi was just giggling to himself the whole time as he watched dazai cried.

"Wow.." Mori said as he looks at dazai and dazai pass out on the ground with a bunch of cats on him and Fukuzawa just drink his tea. "Look like dazai is having a good life." Mori said as he looks at fukuzawa and Fukuzawa just nodded. Fukuzawa was also petting a cat and mori just didn't help dazai. Dazai did wake up in his dorm though and he wondered how he got there but no one could answer his question but atsushi knew. "Please!!" Make it stop!!" Dazai said to atsushi, dazai was begging and atsushi found that so funny. "it's not my fault, they're mad, they'll take their revenge. even if it takes a while." Atsushi softly said as he hold a cat and dazai is just crying on the ground.

The cats weren't satisfied with the revenge yet so it kept going. "Holy shit." Lucy said as she looked outside and you could hear dazai screaming for his life as bunch of cats start to chase him. "Wow..ranpo dear..wasn't lying.." Poe said as he drink his tea, lucy just nodded. Poe heard about the cats but he honestly didn't believe it but now he's seen it a person and now he believes it all. "Welp.. don't mess with atsushi.." Lucy said to herself and poe just nodded in agreement as he waited for ranpo and atsushi is laughing.

Soon mostly every organization knows not to mess with atsushi because his cat army will come after them and they don't want to be attacked by a bunch of cats. Atsushi love his cats army though and the cats love him as well. Atsushi was their leader and they must protect their leader at cost and make sure there leader gets justice. Dazai was basically attacked each day and sometimes even in sleep but slowly it did slow down because the cats were satisfied with their revenge and atsushi was happy so that's all the cats really care about, is their leader being happy.

(😭wrote this, when i'm half sleep so there might be many mistakes and I could have got this completely wrong)

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