unexpected friends//atsushi, tachihara and mori//

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-au-atsushi, tachihara and mori are friends!!! Best friends🙌

Warning: suicide(dazai)

(I love this request, it so funny!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi, tachihara mori are best friend with each other and it's unexpected and no one expects it. No one knew about their friendship until everyone noticed they were being odd and dazai decided to convince them to stalk them to find out the truth and elise say something about them having a secret because she wanted drama. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Kunkida said as he sighed and the whole agency was following atsushi, while the port mafia follow mori and tachihara.

No one expected them to meet up with each other, atsushi was smirked. "Hello rat and tachihara!" Atsushi said, atsushi sometimes like to call mori a rat for fun and mori always looks offended. "So how have you been?" Tachihara ask atsushi and atsushi just sit down. "..dazai..I was doing all of his work again! He always so lazy!" Atsushi said, and mori just chuckled. The whole agency and port mafia couldn't believe it, "what the fuck?" Chuuya said, mori was actually acting like a decent human being, which was unbelievable and shocking.

"Wow.." Yosano said, basically everyone didn't know what to say so they kept watching them talk. "I know atsushi..I used to trained dazai..he always lazy unless it interesting." Mori said, dazai was definitely offended because they were gossiping about him and he was not happy about it. "Do you have anything embarrassing stories about dazai?" Tachihara said, mori suddenly smirked because he did and he basically shared it but because everyone was stalking them, they heard it too. Atsushi was laughing his ass off and dazai was so embarrassed.

"Don't you dare laugh!" Dazai said, chuuya was trying his best and everyone was trying their best not to laugh because they didn't want to get caught. Tachihara was also laughing as mori tell the story. "Oh my god..I wish, I could have seen that." Atsushi said as he slowly stopped laughing and tachihara nod in agreement. "Surprisingly..dazai didn't harassed women to commit suicide with him in the port mafia." Mori said, which was odd and atsushi was surprise.

"Why!? Why talk about me!?" Dazai said as he started to cry and everyone was holding in their breath because it was so funny but they couldn't laugh sadly. Dazai hates this, they were talking about it and not in a good way. "No.." Dazai said as fall to the ground crying and no one pay attention to him. Mori love to tell funny story about dazai because he has a lot and atsushi and tachihara always find it funny. "I never really interacted with dazai." Tachihara said, and that was true so he didn't have any stories about dazai but atsushi has some type of drama about dazai.

Atsushi has great hearing so he hears everything and he does hear the others watching them but he doesn't say anything because he loves drama as well. "It really is embarrassing to be around dazai...I mean...I love him in a friend way but I always get secondhand embarrassing around him." Atsushi said, tachihara and mori expected that and dazai was just hurt by what he student say. "Yea..I guess, I'm just lucky.." Tachihara said, atsushi and mori were happy about that but they can't change anything so they accept it. Dazai kept crying for quite a while until atsushi, mori and tachihara has to go their separate ways again but they plan of meeting again. "Bye!" Atsushi said as he walked away and the whole agency and port mafia members start to run to their buildings or where they're meant to be so they didn't bring any suspicion but of course atsushi already know but still doesn't say anything yet.

The agency and port mafia act like they saw nothing which probably a good thing.

(😭sorry! I know it short!!)

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