the end of me//atsushi angst//

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Warning: suicide, character death.

(🥰not sorry.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi just couldn't take it anymore, he was struggling with a lot of things but mostly it was his past, it was haunting him. The headmaster may be dead but he's always there and he's always watching atsushi. Atsushi always doing dazai work and dazai would always manipulate atsushi into doing it, even thoughts atsushi doesn't want to do it because he has his own work. Atsushi didn't really wanted to fight all the time but he has too and he didn't wanted to be alone but he was.

Atsushi was slowly suffering alone and no one noticed but that could be because of work but it's not a actual excuse. Atsushi decided to finally end it all because it was too much for him. Atsushi wanted to be free from everything so he started to plan his own death. Atsushi kind of grew distant from the agency members but they noticed nothing, which was a good thing.

Atsushi knew that his ability would heal him so he needed enough to kill himself so he stole some poison because enough poison would affect his body terribly and then he would jump and it'll be all over. Atsushi obviously left a note at his dorm and slowly made his way to the spot. It was nighttime so no one saw him and no was waking, which is why it's the perfect time to do it. Atsushi was sitting on the edge of the building and slowly he took a deep breath and drunk the poison. Atsushi definitely hated the taste of poison but it's the price to pay for being free and suddenly atsushi jump off.

Everything was moving slowly for atsushi and atsushi couldn't wait to be free. "Jinko!!" Akutagawa suddenly yell, he was on a mission and saw atsushi jump but it was already too late for atsushi. "Jinko!!" Akutagawa said as he hold onto atsushi body and atsushi just smile at akutagawa. "t-tell them..I'm sorry.." Atsushi slowly said ad he closed his eyes and akutagawa just couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it at all, atsushi was a sweet kind boy and he literally just killed himself. "Oh god.." Akutagawa said in shock and akutagawa was wondering on what to do now because atsushi was already gone.

Akutagawa decided to call chuuya because dazai is most likely with chuuya. "Hello akutagawa?" Chuuya said in confusion and akutagawa just looked horrified. "Atsushi..He just killed himself..I saw it all..he gone!" Akutagawa said and chuuya look shocked and horrified at the same time and dazai hear everything as well. "What!?!" Dazai yelled as he grab the phone and akutagawa just stare at atsushi body. "He not breathing, he gone.." Akutagawa said and dazai couldn't believe it at all and he didn't wanted to believe it. "No.." Dazai said in shock and chuuya didn't know what to say. "where are you?" Chuuya finally ask and akutagawa immediately tells then the location.

"we will be there in a minute just stay calm." Chuuya said as he end the call and akutagawa just looked down and he waited for them to arrive. "Oh god no!!" Dazai said as he run towards akutagawa and atsushi body and chuuya just couldn't believe it. "I saw him fall...I couldn't make it to him on time." Akutagawa said as he look at chuuya and it was silent after that but you could hear the cries of dazai. Dazai was sad because he care about atsushi but atsushi was now gone. "We should..let the other know about this.." Chuuya said as he walked closer to dazai and dazai just nodded in agreement.

"Oh my god..this better be important." Kunikida said as he sit up and he immediately hear crying. "It chuuya, dazai is unable to talk right now but, uh..atsushi kill himself.." Chuuya said and kunikida immediately dropped his phone in shock, kunikida couldn't believe it as well and slowly he pick up his phone. "you're kidding me? This has to be a joke.." Kunikida said, he didn't wanted to believe it but it was true. "Im sorry.." Chuuya said as kunkida actually starts to cry. "Please..let the other know..we bring atsushi body to the agency.." Chuuya said and kunikida just kept of crying. "Alright.." Kunikida finally said and chuuya ended the call.

Dazai slowly pick up atsushi body and they start to walk to the agency and no one said a word at all. Kunikida let the other know about what happened expect for kyouka and kenji because they were miners and this was a touchy subject. "Oh gods..." Yosano said as dazai walk into the agency and everyone looked sad. "..I'll call the funeral home...or whatever it call.." Kunikida said as he walked away and everyone is just silent, you can only hear the cries of the agency members. "How are we going to call kenji and Kyouka?" Tanizaki ask and no one answered him at all. Suddenly the agency door opened and they saw kyouka walk into the agency.

"..there was a note.." Kyouka said as tears start to stream down her eyes as she looks at atsushi body. "He left a note?" Akutagawa said as dazai went to grab the note so he could read it and yosano went to comfort kyouka. Dazai finally set the note on the table for the other three and they slowly took turns reading it and after reading it, they were all crying more. Kunikida made the calls and soon they were waiting for the president to arrive so he can do with the legal stuff. "Everyone..can have a day off and I'll explain everything to kenji.." Fukuzawa said and everyone just nodded.

Soon a funeral date was planned and everyone was waiting for that day. Kenji didn't really take the news well so he cried a lot but the agency was comforting him the whole time. The port mafia actually showed up to the funeral for respect. Atsushi was finally free thoughts and atsushi was so happy about that and sometimes he would visit the agency member but of course he was a ghost so no one saw him but he was there. Kyouka took a lot of time off because atsushi was important person in her life and the agency member have a picture in the agency building to recognize atsushi.

Atsushi was obviously buried and has a bunch of flowers around his grave. No one really recovered from that loss but dazai slowly stopped trying to killed himself and actually decided to enjoy life but atsushi was free so that's all that really matters.


(I love angst)

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