struggling//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is mori adopted son and atsushi try to kill himself.

Warning: suicide, mention of hallucinations, self-harm.

(Also possible good mori au? Im not really sure)

(I know some of you might be concerned because I do post everyday but I promise you, I do rest so you don't have to worry!!)

(Some of these oneshots are made beforehand but I promise im getting rest so please don't worry!!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi use to live in a orphanage until the port mafia boss decided adopt him. Atsushi was considered a monster to the Headmasters of the orphanage because of his ability but mori didn't consider atsushi to be a monster at all. Atsushi was just a little boy, who needed love and mori gave him love and a life. Atsushi at first didn't trust mori at all because every person that atsushi has met has been rude to him and treats him like a monster so it was no surprising, he was skeptical of mori.

Mori was patient with atsushi thought and overtime atsushi got use to mori. Atsushi was also quite known in the port mafia because mori didn't want his son to be hurt by his members so it was a good thing they knew atsushi. The port mafia member also somewhat protected atsushi because atsushi didn't know how to protect himself. Atsushi decided to join the agency because he wanted to help people, that were just like him and his father was okay with it.

Atsushi now actually had a decent life but atsushi was still struggling with his past. Atsushi never mention hallucination, he had of the headmasters of the orphanage. Atsushi just couldn't bring himself to tell his father because he didn't want to be a burden and his father was working hard so he didn't want to put his stress on his father. Atsushi also never told anyone else because he didn't want to be a burden to them as well so he just suffered alone. Atsushi didn't know how to deal with the struggles so he started to self harm and it felt great to him. Atsushi still was suffering though and each day it just got worse and one day he decided he didn't want to live anymore.

Atsushi was in his dorm alone, he was bleeding everywhere. Atsushi was just laying on the ground and he was too sore to move so he didn't move at all and he was too dizzy as well. Atsushi couldn't really hear much but he heard someone yelling. Atsushi just slowly closed his eyes because he was tired. The person who was yelling was dazai, and dazai was trying to stop the bleeding. "Atsushi!!" Dazai said, dazai was panicking and kyouka ran to grab yosano. "I'm here!!" Yosano said as she run into the room and immediately yosano takes out a bunch of bandages because atsushi ability was healing him so technically he was still alive and not half dead and it's not worth it just to half kill him and heal him so yosano had to rap a bunch of bandages around atsushi whole body. "Can you carry him? We need to take him to the agency immediately." Yosano ask dazai and dazai just nodded and he pick up the unconscious tiger boy in bridal style.

Dazai honestly didn't give a fuck if someone saw him, he just wanted to make sure atsushi was okay but the port mafia member saw him, chuuya saw it all and he looked horrified. He decided to notify the port mafia boss because he's technically atsushi father so he has a right to know. The agency knows nothing about atsushi being mori adopted son and atsushi honestly didn't want to tell them because they were technically enemies with a port mafia and he didn't want to be kicked out because of that.

Atsushi was immediately pick on the hospital bed and put on some fluids for hydration. Atsushi was still unconscious and probably was going to wake up until a few more hours. "Atsushi is stable.." Yosano finally said to gbe agency members and fukuzawa and they were all relieved to hear that. Kyouka wanted to see atsushi so she walked into the room but she was surprised to see atsushi was wide awake. "Holy shit...he already up.." Yosano said in shock, she wasn't expecting atsushi to be awake already because he technically lost a lot of blood so it would make sense he's unconscious for a while but he's not. "What are you doing here!?" Dazai said as he looked at mori and everyone was ready to fight.

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