caring//atsushi and the black lizards//

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(Someone wanted more of atsushi and the black lizards friendship so I'll try to make more!!)

-fluff and bit of angst.

Warning: underage drinking.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi accidentally made friends with the black lizards. Atsushi was about to get robbed by someone, when the black lizards killed the person and they became friends ever since then. The black lizard basically protect atsushi, even though atsushi can protect himself. The black lizard are always there for atsushi, atsushi actually does opened up to them surprisingly and they take great care of atsushi. "Atsushi..Sweetie.." Gin softly said as she slowly brushes atsushi hair and atsushi just whine.

Atsushi went to bar because of being stressed, atsushi didn't want to go back to his apartment because kyouka would be there so he called the black lizard. "Tachihara..get some water. Cold water." hirotsu said and tachihara went to get some cold water for atsushi. "Mama atsushi..drink." Tachihara said, tachihara had to happen on calling atsushi mama, atsushi sometimes act like a mom and is really caring so tachihara just called atsushi mama for fun.

"I wonder why he went drinking though, atsushi never wanted to drink before." hirotsu said as he sighed. "I'll kill the whole agency, if they did something to atsushi.." Gin suddenly said as atsushi lay down and tachihara slowly play with atsushi uneven hair. "We can't killed them!" hirotsu said and gin just looked away. Atsushi was sound asleep by then and tachihara just smiled. "We should wait in the morning, mama atsushi will explain." Tachihara said as he yawn, it was very late at night so it makes sense for them to be sleepy. "Alright then.." hirotsu said as gin sit on the couch because she not leaving atsushi side so she slept on the couch, while tachihara slept on the floor. It was hirotsu house so he slept in his own bed.

Atsushi woke up in the morning with a terrible headache, and gin and tachihara immediately woke up. " must be having a hangover. I think hirotsu should have something to help." Gin said and tachihara nodded in agreement. hirotsu walked into the living room with something for atsushi headache and they're all waiting for answer on why atsushi was drinking. "I was stressed! I always do dazai work!! It just too much!!" Atsushi said as he break down crying and tachihara went to hugged atsushi. "So..I'm killing dazai.." Gin said as she hold her knife and hirotsu doesn't even stopped her.

"I'll be back atsushi.. I'm going to grab some sweets for you!" Gin said with a smile and atsushi just nodded. Gin was also going to threaten dazai but atsushi didn't needed to know that. The agency was wondering where atsushi was because kyouka said he wasn't home so they were a bit worried, when suddenly gin walked into the building. "You better listen to me." Gin said as she grab onto dazai shirt and dazai just stare at gin in confusion. "If I find out, atsushi is doing your work again..I will murder you.." Gin said as she hold her knife against dazai neck and dazai just nodded.

"Great..atsushi will be staying with hirotsu..atsushi was apparently too stressed out because of dazai so he went drinking and now he's have a hangover and we're taking care of him." Gin explain as she walks away and kyouka glare at dazai. Kyouka was very overprotective of atsushi so dazai will pay the price. The other agency members didn't even have a chance to talk and now they were curious on why the black lizard were taking care of atsushi but at least someone was. Gin did go and get a bunch of sweets for atsushi because atsushi deserves it.

"Atsushi!! I'm back!" Gin said and atsushi just smiled back. Tachihara was cuddling with atsushi because atsushi love cuddling and hirotsu was drinking some tea. "Wow..I'm surprised, you haven't had a cigarette yet." Gin said and hirotsu just looked offended. "I can survive without a cigarette." hirotsu said and honestly no one believes him because he always has a cigarette. "Lucky enough it our break so we can take care of you!" Tachihara said and atsushi look guilty about that but they promise it's not troubling at all.

Atsushi does eat most of the sweets though because he loves sweets and tachihara is still cuddling with atsushi so is gin. hirotsu is just watching them because he thinks it too weird for him to cuddle atsushi because he old. "Can we watch something?" Atsushi ask and hirotsu just nodded. "Oh! A scary movie!" Tachihara suggested, everyone was fine with that so after a lot of searching they pick a scary movie and watch all of it and surprisingly atsushi love horror movies and he didn't expect that at all. Tachihara does scream like a little girl though, and gin laugh her ass off.

"It not funny!!" Tachihara said as gin laugh and hirotsu just chuckled. "Oh? It getting late.." Atsushi said as he looked out the window and hirotsu was fine with them staying so gin and tachihara cuddled atsushi and all three of them fall asleep together, hirotsu also went to bed.

Atsushi did explain everything to the agency in the morning and they understood. Dazai did pay the price and he does do his own work now so atsushi is less stressed now.


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