losing feeling//atsushi angst?//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi is losing feeling in his legs because it's been cut off so much.


(Not really angst tbh 🤷‍♀️)

(inspired by a story ao3!!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi ability also allows him to heal his body parts, which doesn't really make any sense but no one can question it because a lot of abilities are like that so it's not uncommon at all but sometimes the healing ability doesn't always work. Atsushi always gets his leg cut off for some reason but it usually always heal like normal but atsushi start to notice something. Atsushi was losing the feeling in his legs, which was very odd. Atsushi first noticed it, when he got out of bed but he couldn't move his legs at all. 'Huh? Why..Maybe..it taking longer to heal.' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi at first thought his healing ability was taking longer to heal his legs because it takes a lot of energy but atsushi soon realize that wasn't the case.

Atsushi was losing the feeling in both his legs, which cost of many problems. Atsushi would notice it but he didn't say anything at all because he was so used to hiding his pain, it became a normal thing to him so he didn't want to bother the agency with this. Atsushi could also hide it very easily but after while he just couldn't. Atsushi was doing his work as usual and he was about to hand kunikida the report he just finished but suddenly atsushi couldn't feel his legs at all so he fell. "Shit." Atsushi said as he sit up and everyone else was staring at him.

"Atsushi?" Dazai said as he walk closer to atsushi and atsushi just couldn't get up. "Damm it.." Atsushi whisper to himself and everyone immediately knew something was wrong. "Atsushi?" Kyouka said as she walked up to atsushi and atsushi just look down. Dazai already seem to realize it and he didn't look happy at all. "Atsushi..how long?" Dazai ask and everyone else was confused because they didn't understand anything but soon kyouka and kunkida understood when they saw atsushi legs finally twitch, which means atsushi could finally feel them again. 'Finally..but everyone knows now..' Atsushi thought to himself as he look at the other.

"Get yosano now." Kunikida said as he look at tanizaki and tanizaki didn't argue at all because kunikida looks very worried so tanizaki obviously went to get yosano. "Oh god.." Kyouka said as she grab onto atsushi and help him up. "How long?" Dazai ask again and atsushi just look away. "around five months now." Atsushi slowly said and dazai, kyouka and kunikida, all three of them look horrified. "Atsushi, why didn't you say anything!?" Dazai ask as he grab onto atsushi and atsushi just doesn't say anything. "I am needed?" Yosano ask as she walks into the main office and kunikida just nodded.

"Atsushi...apparently has been losing feeling in his legs." Kunikida said and everyone else immediately looked horrified. "Oh shit...let's get him into my office now." Yosano said and dazai basically pick up atsushi and they went into yosano office to run a few tests. Dazai and kyouka were both waiting patiently for answers because they were so worried for atsushi. "it's a lot more extreme..usually atsushi healing ability would just heal it and the nerves as well but his brain is thinking the leg is gone so that's why atsushi is losing feeling in both of his legs." Yosano explain to them, yosano has never seen anything like this so this was new to her. 'So..it a brain problem..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at yosano.

"is there any way to fix this?" Fukuzawa ask and yosano is just lost in thoughts, while atsushi is being hug by kyouka. "..we would need to reset his brain which means is basically killing him and reviving him.." Yosano slowly said, it was the only way but no one knew if it would actually work at all but it was better than nothing. "you won't feel a thing at all..and we'll make it quick.." Yosano softly said to atsushi and atsushi just nod. Atsushi honestly just wanted to get this over with so he didn't argue at all. Dazai was holding on to atsushi the whole time because they need to make sure atsushi feeling ability wasn't healing him throughout this. "We will be here, when you wake up.." Dazai softly said as atsushi slowly closes his eyes and then it started.

Mostly everyone was in the main room except for kyouka, dazai, yosano and obviously atsushi. Dazai and yosano didn't expect kyouka to be in the room the whole time but she needs to make sure her brother was okay because she saw atsushi as her brother and she will protect atsushi at all cost. Atsushi obviously didn't feel anything and they made it quick. Yosano obviously didn't know this will work so they were all just hoping it would work. "it may take a while for him to wake up.." Yosano said to everyone and that obviously made sense so it wasn't surprising at all. Kyouka and dazai were now waiting for atsushi to wake up and they didn't dare to leave his side at all.

"Dazai?" Atsushi said as he looked at dazai and both dazai and kyouka immediately got up. "Atsushi..how are you feeling?" Dazai ask, he looked very concerned and atsushi just smile as he sits up and slowly starts to move his legs up and down. "I feel fine." Atsushi softly said and kyouka immediately sigh a relief. "Yosano!" Dazai yell and immediately yosano walk in. "It work." Kyouka softly said as she hugged atsushi and yosano also sigh a relief. "I will run a few tests, just to make sure.." Yosano said, she needed to make sure it actually work so she obviously run a few tests and everything was going perfectly.

"Look like it work." Yosano said with a smile and everyone was happy to hear that. "Now atsushi...sweetie..if you ever get your leg cut off again, come to me so I can cut all of their limbs off.." Yosano softly said to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "Now! Atsushi! Let get you home so you can rest!" Dazai said with a smile, kyouka nodded in agreement. "Get some rest atsushi." Fukuzawa said with a small smile and soon atsushi was home and was being taken care of by kyouka and dazai. "Sleep.." Dazai said as he starts to cuddle with atsushi and atsushi slowly fall asleep in dazai arm. "Do you want some tea on rice?" kyouka ask dazai and he just nodded. Kyouka didn't mind dazai staying the night and that what dazai did.

Kyouka and dazai were now ten times protective of atsushi after that. Atsushi wasn't allowed to go on any dangerous missions alone because they couldn't risk it. he also got check up everyday after a mission just to make sure his nerves in his legs were working. The port mafia member were also threatened by dazai, because there's a chance, they were going to cut off atsushi legs and they just didn't want that to happen.


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