pay the price//atsushi and shibusawa//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi and chuuya grew up together and they were experiment on together.

Warning: torture, pedophilia?

(Chuuya considers atsushi to be his younger sibling)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and chuuya were meant to be vessels for two god name byakko and arahabaki. Atsushi and chuuya were mostly held in the same place together because they were considered a danger and needed to be watched most of the time so that's how they got close to each other. Shibusawa was one of the scientists and he took a liking to atsushi, which chuuya hated. Chuuya was always overprotective of atsushi so he felt guilty for not protecting his little brother.

One day a experiment went terribly wrong so they were able to escape. " okay.." Chuuya softly said as he hold onto atsushi and atsushi is just crying. Both atsushi and chuuya were found by the port mafia so they weren't separated at all. Chuuya was glaring at mori as he hold atsushi in his arm. "Welcome to the port mafia!" Mori said with smile and chuuya had no reaction at all. Kouyou was assigned to train atsushi and chuuya so they were always together.

Chuuya always wanted revenge though, shibusawa did things to poor atsushi and atsushi didn't deserve any of that. Chuuya basically track down shibusawa and he had some people kidnap him so now shibusawa was now in the port mafia territory and chuuya has a bunch of plans to do with him. "Chuuya?" Atsushi said as he walked down into the basement and he immediately see shibusawa tied to a chair and knocked out. "I told you..I was going to make him suffer for what he did." Chuuya said to atsushi and atsushi just looked surprised.

"Atsushi..It okay.." Chuuya said as he went to hug his little brother and atsushi just started to cry. Atsushi never talked about what shibusawa did but atsushi was severely traumatized after that. "he'll be gone soon and you don't worry about him anymore." Chuuya softly said as he played with atsushi hair and atsushi just nod. Atsushi always worried about shibusawa coming to find him but soon atsushi won't have to worry about that. "Now.. how about you go hang out with kouyou?" Chuuya said and atsushi just nodded. Chuuya just watched atsushi leave the basement and then he looked at shibusawa. " finally awake.." Chuuya said with a smirk and shibusawa just glare at chuuya.

"I'm going to make pay the price for hurting my little brother.." Chuuya said as he grab a knife and shibusawa just doesn't say anything at all. "Kouyou.." Atsushi said as he looked in her office and kouyou just smiled. "Hello atsushi." Kouyou softly said as atsushi slowly walked in and she could tell atsushi was nervous about something. "What wrong?" Kouyou ask and atsushi just look down. "You know and chuuya were lab experiments..?" Atsushi said and kouyou just nodded. "One of the scientists like me too much and did a bunch of stuff with me and now chuuya is probably torturing them.." Atsushi explain as he sit down and kouyou just went to comfort atsushi.

Chuuya was having lot of fun torturing shibusawa, and shibusawa could only scream but no one would hear him at all. Chuuya was laughing like a psychopath as he kept cutting shibusawa and soon shibusawa was finally gone. "Clean this up." Chuuya said to one of the port mafia worker and they just nodded. Chuuya made sure to clean himself up because he was covered in a lot of blood. Chuuya slowly walked towards kouyou office and atsushi was still in there. "Chuuya!" Atsushi said as he run to hug chuuya and chuuya just chuckled. "He gone.." Chuuya said and atsushi just smiled. Atsushi now didn't have to worry about him anymore because he was gone. Chuuya and atsushi soon went home together because they live together.

"Good night." Atsushi said to chuuya as he yawn and chuuya just smile. "Night." Chuuya softly said and they went into their separate rooms. Atsushi fell asleep first and he had no nightmares about shibusawa so atsushi was happy about that. No one know about what chuuya did to shibusawa expect for kouyou and atsushi. Chuuya care about if atsushi is happy so that's all that really matters.

(I hate this so much like it make no sense!!)

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