the gymnast//atsushi is a gymnast// part 2

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( someone wanted a part two)


-au-atsushi is a gymnast but doesn't work in the agency.


(Kyouka and atsushi are siblings!)

(Read part one so it make sense!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The agency knows about atsushi existence but they actually never met him before until now. Atsushi was done with practice so he decided to pick up kyouka. "Hello. What can I do for you?" Kunikida ask as he stands up and atsushi just nervously smiles. "I'm looking for kyouka." Atsushi softly said and kyouka immediately recognized that voice and she went to hug her brother. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said with a smile and atsushi just giggled. "I thought you had practice today?" Kyouka question and atsushi nodded. "I just finished practice actually and I thought, I should come pick you up." Atsushi explain and kyouka just nodded. The agency member look confused but kenji recognized atsushi.

"Ah! Your atsushi! Kyouka brother!" Kenji said with a big smile and atsushi just nodded, kenji has met atsushi but they never really got to talk with each other but they knew each other. "Oh? So your atsushi." Naomi said as she looked at atsushi and atsushi just nodded again. "It looked like everyone know me.." Atsushi said and kyouka just nodded. "Of course, they do. I talk about you a lot." Kyouka explained and atsushi just then bright red from embarrassment. "It nice to finally meet you." Kunkida said as he hold out his hand for atsushi to shake and atsushi just shake it and smile.

" must be kunkida. The responsible one.." Atsushi said and kunikida just nodded. "What with all the commotion out here?" Fukuzawa ask as he walks into the main office. "Kyouka brother has come to pick her up!" Kenji said and fukuzawa just looked a bit surprised but he nodded. " nice to meet you." Fukuzawa said with a small smile and kyouka was just smiling. "It nice to meet you too." Atsushi softly said, "so..kyouka says you're in gymnastics?" Naomi ask and atsushi just nodded. Naomi looked really curious about it so atsushi explained a few things about it. "Wow! Cool!" Naomi said as she started to shake her brother and tanizaki just nervously smiles.

"Atsushi performs quite well." Kyouka proudly says and atsushi just turn red again from embarrassment. Atsushi always get embarrassed, when he gets praised for something so this is not new. "Maybe..we should watch atsushi perform, when he does perform!" Kenji said, and atsushi just turned more red. "Great idea." Yosano said with a smirk and kyouka looks happy to hear that because she wanted her brother talents to be recognized. "Ah..we should get going." Atsushi said to kyouka and kyouka just nodded as she went to collect her stuff.

"Bye!" Atsushi said as he waves goodbye to the agency and everyone was smiling. "Bye!!" Kenji said with a big smile and kyouka was just happy. Some people were recognizing her brother for his talent and she didn't care if it was just agency. Atsushi got along with agency pretty well and he often visited them after he was done with practice or he was on break.
The agency also watched atsushi perform sometimes and each time they're watching, he always gets embarrassed. Dazai did try to flirt with atsushi though but kyouka almost killed him so dazai is a bit careful around atsushi because of kyouka.

Atsushi will never meet the port mafia though and if the port mafia find out about atsushi existence. The agency will protect him at all cost but atsushi can protect himself, he does have a ability but he just doesn't use it often and he doesn't need it in gymnastics but the extra strength does help a bit so that's a plus side.

(Sorry! I know it short😭i didn't know how to make it long!)

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