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 In fifteen minutes, Jwalin's Rolls Royce stopped in front of their car and he stepped out like a predator searching for its prey. He knocked on the door while signaling Shreya to unlock the doors, and Pranavi raised her head to look at him.

In a swift move, he opened the door and grabbed her hand without bothering about anything. "What are you doing?" Pranavi asked and tried to push him, but he lifted her and put her on his shoulder with a firm grip on her waist.

"Leave me, you as*hole." She shouted, making him more furious, and he threw her inside his car and locked the door in a second.

She strived to hit him, but he didn't budge. She couldn't affect his heavy frame easily. Looking at his dark aura, she felt terrified. Something in her is warning her, "This isn't for good."

Her heart was in a frenzy, eyeing his cold appearance, his knuckles turned white with his tight grip, adrenaline rushed into his muscles, and the veins popped in and out. The malice emanating from him made her go berserk.

The speed at which he was driving like a madman made her tremble for her life. "J..Jwalin... please slow down." She wanted to shout, but it came as a mere whisper. He did listen to it but spared no attempt.

She had never seen him in this state. He was like an enraged beast, ready to destroy everything that came in his way, which made her frightened of him.

She had her fair share of troublesome experiences, but now looking at Jwalin's insanity, she became weak though pretending to be strong.

As she was in her thoughts, the car came to a loud screech making her head hit the front seat. "Ouch," She yelled. By the time she was about to compose herself, Jwalin opened the door and lifted her in his arms bridal style.

It happened so fast that it left no time to let her register what was happening around her. She involuntarily inhaled his fragrance as he was taking her into the huge guest house.

With the pressure he's putting on her, she's sure there will be fresh bruises on her waist and hands. She was feeling his hard muscles which were emanating immense fierceness, and she shivered in his arms.

She eyed him through her peripheral vision, and the stoic expression on his face, tight-lipped lips, dilated eyes that had the depth to swallow an ocean with tons of hidden secrets, a flaring nose, and his clenched jaw gave an unsettling feeling in her pit of the stomach.

With his long strides, he took her into a large bedroom, "maybe his bedroom!" Her inner voice pointed.

Glancing at the extravagant room, she was in awe but immediately shook her head as she had more pressing issues than admiring the view. The walls were painted in dark red, which made her go back to his eyes, which were now the same.

She was hoping he'd drop her on the bed or sofa, but alas, she had no such luck. He directly shoved the washroom door and dropped her into the bathtub with a thud, and a loud yelp escaped her lips with the evoking pain in her spine.

Her eyes went wide, "what the hell are you doing, Jwalin?" She questioned, and he paid no attention to her. She tried to get out of the tub and that triggered his senses, which were about to break hell loose.

From the time he picked her up from her car, this was the first time his deadly glare landed on her pale face. With one glance at her, the filthy picture clouded his mind. He lost all his control imagining his wife with some scamp.

His body shook in anger and he grabbed her blazer. His face is mere inches apart from hers. His hot breath fanning on her face made her quiver.

In a swift motion, his grip settled on her neck and lifted her into thin air. Her eyes went wide with the realization. Words weren't coming out from her, and no energy was left in her to even protest as his grip was like an iron chain caging her.

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