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Jwalin held her tiny frame in his warm embrace when she rested her head on his wide chest and snuggled closer to him. She seemed to be contemplating something as she was frequently swinging her body to the sides while involuntarily brushing his thighs and groin, and a groan escaped his lips, as he clenched his jaw to suppress himself and not let his 'little friend' affect him when his baby girl was struggling to voice out her thoughts.

There was no way he could ruin the chance of Pranavi opening up her heart to him for his stupid desire because he knew how hard it was for her.

Although he didn't know the depths of the damage and misery her heart had undergone, he had a rough idea that her life wasn't an easy one.

Because he clearly remembered how she would suddenly cry and how she would wriggle furiously in her sleep. Moreover, he already knew that she was suffering from trauma, but when he tried to take her to the hospital for a checkup, she rejected him straightforwardly and reacted so adversely that made him stop himself from doing it.

He didn't know how to make her agree to receive treatment or let her visit a psychologist for her trauma because Deepak already let him know that it should be done after he got her consent or else there would be no use even if she received sessions because she wouldn't open up, instead, she would close herself further and that would inflict even more damage on her.

So, he reluctantly stepped back from the thought and waited patiently for the day to hear her story in her own words. And only after that, he can be able to do anything and assist her in relieving her suffering.

And he realized, she would probably let him know at least bits of information when he took a glimpse at her frowning face and the hesitation in her eyes, but he refrained himself from asking, afraid she would shut herself off again.

But his hands rested on her small back and were moving in soothing circles as if he was providing his silent support to her.

As the silence was dancing in the room, apart from her sighs and their sound breathing, there was a weird tension in the room that made him focus all of his attention on his baby girl, afraid he would miss something if he didn't pay close attention to his beloved wife.

Suddenly the sound of his mobile caught his attention, but it didn't affect her as she was still in a daze, and he heaved a sigh of relief while he put his mobile to his ear and reduced the volume so that she wouldn't hear what the other party was saying.

As soon as he let out a hum as a hello, Ashok muttered carefully, "Mr. Oberoi."

Jwalin remained silent allowing Ashok to say further and Ashok's palms sweated so bad because he didn't know what to say when there was nothing out of the ordinary.

And to top it off, he didn't know why Pranavi had suddenly appeared so wretched when she stepped out of the cab because he even investigated the car driver and checked the CCTV footage, but there was literally nothing wrong!

Ashok could only pray for himself in his heart and opened his mouth, afraid he would suffer the wrath of his boss because he failed to do what Jwalin ordered.

He inhaled a deep breath and mumbled as pleasantly as he could, "Everything was as usual, Mr. Oberoi. And I couldn't find out why Mrs. Oberoi is like that because when Madam hailed the cab, she was smiling and even had a meeting with her friends, but she suddenly changed her schedule midway and decided to visit you. And when Madam stepped out of the car, she was crying, but I assure you, nothing happened in the car."

Hearing it, Jwalin understood it must be because of her trauma and he calmly hung up, leaving Ashok dumbfounded because it was too unusual for Jwalin to react like that, and it scared the poor boy!

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