CH | 113

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A late update, and sorry to keep you all waiting, but I just finished writing. 

Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter. 



Shreya and Pranavi led all their friends to the dining hall and they were all eyeing the house curiously as it was the first time going in, including for Jwalin. 

They could see frames adorned on the walls with Shreya, Aarushi, and Pranavi together in their early years in cute poses. 

However as this house belonged to Shreya and Pranavi and they both lived together for so long, there are many silly pictures of them with their tongue out and crazy expressions adorned the walls.

Upon understanding where the guys were looking, Shreya and Pranavi ran to pull the frames down as they were not very good ones to begin with, and they weren't looking their best as they were around 7-8 years back.

Jwalin followed Pranavi and placed his hands on her waist from behind, "You look cute, baby girl. Don't remove them."

Jathin involuntarily glanced at Shreya and muttered even before he registered what he was doing or saying, "You're indeed adorable with that pout, little girl."

As soon as words escaped his mouth, his eyes went wide and Shreya was no different. To his utter embarrassment, Jwalin and Pranavi heard them crisp and clear.

Jwalin gave a knowing glance at Jathin as he realized his brother had taken a fancy to her wife's best friend, and probably she'd become his Sister-in-law one day. 

Knowing how Jathin was, that's very much possible as he willingly reached out to only one woman for as long as he can remember, it's Shreya! 

Jwalin quoted in his head, "I should start treating Shreya better from now on."

Jathin had a couple of flings when he was studying but that's all they were, nothing serious and they barely lasted a couple of months. Later he realized women were a waste of his time and energy. 

And once he jumped into politics completely, not a woman was by his side. His image was always clean. He never even had casual fucks as he never knew when it'd backfire on him.

Understanding how embarrassed Jathin and Shreya must be, Pranavi decided to be magnanimous and pulled Jwalin towards her, "Let's go Jwalin. They are all waiting for us."

Without any delay, Shreya muttered as calmly as she could to Jathin while she averted her eyes, the red creeping up on her cheeks and neck wasn't missed by him and he realized she must be shy, "let's eat."

By the time they came back to the dining hall, Deepak, Vikram, Vikrant, Rizwaan, Ujjwal, and Aditi sat on one side.  


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