CH 141

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Yesterday was hectic for me and am unable to update.

So I'm giving you a lengthy chapter here...



"Did you not think it was wise enough to let me know? Just like you're warning your father, you don't want me to get involved as well?" Upon hearing Dharani Suryavanshi's words, Arjun and Brijesh remained dumbfounded, too stunned to speak which pissed Dharani even further.

She eyed Arjun angrily and yelled, "Answer me, Damn it."

Arjun clenched his jaw while his amber orbs turned cold with the way his mother was supporting his father, his lips pressed into a thin line and his tall muscled frame made him look like an untouchable king as he didn't budge even a little.

"Mom, you need to calm down," Brijesh spoke as he was afraid if this continued, she might collapse.

Dharani shook her head, her brownish hazel eyes glaring at them, "I cannot calm down, Brijesh. Don't you know how much I am suffering because of losing Rumanika?"

"I know, Mom. Brother knows too. We'll explain to you everything we know once you cool down a little." Brijesh tried to talk some sense when Arjun spoke, his voice cold giving no room for arguments, "Either you are listening to what Brijesh said or I will send you to Jaipur."

Dharani narrowed her eyes at Arjun, "Do you think you can order me around, Arjun?"

"I am not ordering you, Mom. With the way you're reacting, I'm sure you would collapse and your husband will come and throw a raging fit at me. Let's save the hassle for all of us." Arjun spoke calmly, but each word of his was causing her heart to break a little more.

Dharani scowled, "he's not just my husband. He's your father too. Give him some respect!"

Arjun scoffed, "A man who didn't know how to keep his dick in his pants and went to another woman when he was having a wife is not worthy to be called my father nor deserve my respect."

Dharani's face paled, and her body trembled, "you are crossing your limits, Arjun."

Arjun slipped his hands into his pant pockets and stared at Dharani emotionlessly when Brijesh yelled, "Stop it, Arjun. Why are you making Mom upset?"

Arjun sighed, "Did I say anything wrong?"

Brijesh snarled when he held Dharani and let her sit on the sofa, "You didn't. We all knew this and you didn't need to specially remind us now." 

Arjun sat beside his mother and spoke while he stared at nothingness, "I'm pissed off because of him. What was the need for him to go to Pranavi?"

Brijesh sighed and Dharani was too emotional to speak when Arjun continued, "If not because of him, we would have never lost our Rumanika."

The three of them sat in silence, too overwhelmed by their own thoughts. After a while, Dharani turned to Arjun, "I understand your anger, Arjun. But it's wrong to completely make him responsible because we never expected such an outcome." With a pause, she sniffed and continued, "If we did, we would have been more careful."

Arjun growled, "If I had known her real intentions, I would have killed her myself back then."

Brijesh shook his head in annoyance, "Why are you both dwelling in the past when she's near us now."

Dharani agreed although her emotions were all over the place, "Are you sure she's our Rumanika?"

Brijesh held her hands and spoke softly, "We did the DNA test earlier, Mom. Once we get the reports, we'll know."

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