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"I'm Arjun SuryaVanshi," Jwalin heard from the other end of the line and a frown settled on Jwalin's handsome face as he didn't expect that in the least.

"Arjun," Jwalin said after a few seconds while Arjun waited patiently.

"Did I disturb you?" Arjun queried while he took a puff of his cigarette. He leaned onto the sprawling glass wall, his amber pools appeared a little tense while deep frowns adorned his forehead.

Jwalin glanced at the sleeping Pranavi and placed a soft kiss on her temple. He stepped down from the bed slowly so as to not wake her up and walked out of the room as Pranavi kept waking up with slightest of the sounds and falling asleep again was a tedious task.

Jwalin muttered calmly, his tone didn't have any warmth as Arjun is practically a stranger if not an acquaintance to him, "That depends on what you wanted to say, Arjun."

Arjun let out a low chuckle while he trailed his fingers into his silky locks, "It's definitely important. If not, I wouldn't have called you at this time."

Jwalin hummed and questioned as he couldn't understand how Arjun got his personal mobile number, "How did you get my number?"

Arjun replied with a smirk, "Rizwaan is my buddy."

Jwalin raised his brows at the revelation but didn't say anything else and walked to the farthest balcony as Jathin and Deepak were on this floor as well.

Taking his silence as acceptance, Arjun said firmly, his tone turned soft, "I need to talk to you about Pranavi."

Jwalin's gaze narrowed upon hearing Pranavi's name from Arjun's mouth, "what is it?"

Arjun said while his eyes gleamed in anticipation, "It's not something to be spoken in a call. But I'll give you a brief."

Jwalin hummed when Arjun added, his voice suddenly turned serious while the royal aura emanated from him wasn't missed by Jwalin, "Not a word of what I'm saying now should go out, Jwalin."

"Is that an order?" Jwalin asked, daring Arjun for the way he spoke.

Arjun's gaze turned dark as he sensed the taunt from Jwalin, "Don't forget that you're speaking to a king, Jwalin."

Jwalin chuckled while he stressed his words, "My wife is waiting for me. Tell me what you want to say quickly."

Arjun let out a low growl but stated, "I think pranavi is my long-lost sister."

The moment Arjun completed his words, Jwalin's hand trembled as that was quite shocking news to be dropped all of a sudden without any warnings. But Jwalin wanted to confirm and questioned, "Are you sure?"

Arjun hummed, "I want to do a DNA test to confirm my suspicions."

Jwalin pinched the middle of his brows to not lose his cool as a wave of emotions evoked in him, "Let's meet first."

Arjun said while he stared at the heavily pouring sky, "I'm in Mumbai."

Jwalin said, his tone firm, "Let's talk things through before we proceed. I cannot risk anything when it comes to Pranavi."

On the other hand, Pranavi struggled in her sleep when a series of deep growling thunders barked in the night sky, her body trembled while her face turned eerily pale and she clutched her head in tremendous pain but she couldn't open her eyes even when she tried her damn best.

Numerous jumbled memories attacked her at once suffocating her while the sharp pain from the back of her head made her feel as if she were dying as she could barely catch a breath.

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