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Jwalin glanced at the sleeping woman in his arms, her cheeks were flushed, her tiny nose reddened, and a small pout was settled on her plump lips. He played with her hair while lost in thoughts as he was trying to figure out what was going on with his baby girl.

He wanted to do anything and everything within his power to help her get out of the so-called trauma in her heart, but he knew he couldn't be of much help to her, because he could only be a good listener and give advice to her, but when it came to her mental suffering, he wasn't sure whether he can cure her deeply rooted pain.

And he understood it was best if she met with a psychiatrist to reduce the burden that was poking her constantly and was eating her alive, but he didn't know how to do that without making Pranavi upset, as he realized she wasn't a fan of hospitals.

Moreover, he didn't want to force her to do something she didn't want to do in the first place. But this is needed, and he was certain of that.

As the thoughts were running through his mind, he was quite conflicted because he didn't know the whole story and even if he started to investigate what happened back then, it wouldn't be easy since it's been 16 years since the incident took place.

To top it off, Pranavi said she didn't remember much from her childhood which was even more shocking to him, as it sounded like she forgot most of them as if they were erased, and he realized something was off with her because she didn't even remember her surname, let alone the city in which she lived.

With all these disturbing thoughts, he released a sigh he didn't know he was holding because he didn't even understand from where he should start searching.

After all, India wasn't a small country and if he were to dig in each and every city, then he didn't know how many months or years it would take for him to find any clues, let alone finding the truth.

He dialed Deepak since he was a doctor, hoping Deepak would give him any good suggestions regarding Pranavi because he obviously can't take risks when it comes to her health and happiness.

And he can't see her blaming herself for the things which she wasn't even sure of herself.

"Brother?" Deepak's collected tone was heard from the other end of the phone while a book related to the brain was in his hands, and his eyes were focused on the contents of the book, when Jwalin hummed and muttered calmly, "We should meet. Come to my house in an hour."

"Is it really important?" Deepak queried with knitted brows because he didn't want to leave in the middle as he was focusing on it for the past several hours of the day.

He was a medical genius, recognized globally for his achievements in the medical field.

Hearing his words, Jwalin wasn't too pleased and released a huff and when Deepak heard it, he almost shit in his pants, because he knew it wouldn't end well for him if he didn't go and meet his brother right now!

Oh, poor Deepak!!

"I'll be there, brother." He mumbled quickly and hung up, afraid he would give Jwalin a chance and get targeted by him somehow because he knew how cunning and cold-hearted his brother is. Moreover, according to Jwalin's personality, he would get whatever he wanted from either hook or crook, and he didn't want to get tormented in the hands of his scary brother!

Seeing that, the corners of Jwalin's lips curled upwards and he nodded as his mood slightly improved.

With that, he carefully climbed down the bed and took Pranavi into his arms bridal style, and he took her hand and hooked her hand onto his neck.

After he was sure she was comfortably sleeping in his embrace, he carefully stepped out of his cabin and walked into his private lift, while Ashok followed him, and softly mouthed, "Mr. Oberoi, I fired the receptionists who upset Madam earlier."

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