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Pranavi and Shreya stood in front of the Iconica building which had five stairs and was located in the heart of the city.

Almost instantly, they gazed at each other for a second, and when Shreya gave a slight nod, they walked forward and climbed into the lift. All the while Shreya was taking in the beauty of Iconica with her jaw dropped, while Pranavi was being casual since she had been here more than a handful of times.

As soon as they stepped out into the top floor, Pranavi find Aditi who was instructing the staff about something, and she must admit, Aditi was damn bossy!

It reminded her of Jwalin, but well she knew he would be even more intimidating and his penetrating coldness would put any man to their knees without him uttering any word, while people working under him wouldn't even open their mouths in his presence if not needed, too afraid of pissing him off!

She must admit the level of power Jwalin had was too terrifying, but she was way too proud of him, and a proud smirk danced on her face by just imagining his face.

By the time she came back from her daze, Aditi stood in front of her with a slight smile and exclaimed in her adorable tone, which was quite the contrast with how she was just a few seconds earlier, "Oh my, Sister-in-law, you were finally here!"

Pranavi nodded while Aditi didn't give her a chance to steady herself and gave her a tight hug. Pranavi helplessly wrung her hands around Aditi's shoulders while her lips curled upwards, because it was really rare for her to feel love apart from her friends Shreya and Aarushi, and she was glad Aditi welcomed her with all her heart.

"Geez, relax, Aditi!" Pranavi commented while giving a sly wink at her when Aditi chuckled, and her shiny eyes landed on Shreya who stood in the side awkwardly while her curious eyes roamed across the beautiful dresses that were hung up on the hangers.

Eyeing where Aditi was peeping, Pranavi palmed the back of her neck and smacked her forehead with her eyes shut as she realized that she had forgotten to introduce Shreya to Aditi.

With that, she turned to Aditi and mumbled, "She is my best friend, Shreya," and grabbed Shreya's hand who was standing a little away from her, and introduced, "Shreya, meet Aditi Oberoi."

Tilting her head, Shreya blinked when her eyes landed on Aditi and she politely greeted, "Hi Ms. Oberoi."

Aditi shook her head with a frown, "oh, just call me Aditi."

Hearing her words, Shreya's eyes widened as she definitely didn't expect Aditi to be so casual with her. Nonetheless, she felt comfortable in her presence and nodded while extending her hand to Aditi, "Nice meeting you, Aditi."

"Pleasure is all mine, Shreya." Aditi shook her hand and pulled her in a light hug when Shreya stilled, dumbfounded, but seeing the wink from Pranavi, Shreya eased herself and hugged Aditi back.

In the next second, Aditi pulled Pranavi and Shreya with her and yelled in an excited tone, "alright ladies. It's time to try the dresses."

Hearing her words, excitement rushed through Pranavi's nerves, and she almost jogged to see the hyped dress that Aditi designed. By the time her eyes landed on the spectacular bright red dress, her jaw dropped while her eyes gleamed in awe.

Her small hands involuntarily brushed across the smooth fabric while her eyes didn't miss the slit and the slightly open waist, while the glittering diamonds adorned the dress shone so beautifully that she had no words for a while, too lost in the dress.

Seeing the reaction, Aditi was pleased and muttered, "Come on, try the dress, Sister-in-law. I'm pretty sure my brother will be so tempted when he sees you in this."

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