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Brijesh walked up the stairs to collect a few things from his room, and he accidentally heard Pavitra talking about his long-lost sister with his father, and his ears perked up as unknown emotions swirled in his heart.

His feet involuntarily walked closer to the door and even though he knew eavesdropping wasn't a thing he would do if he was in his normal mind, he pushed all the bullshit aside and listened to everything Pavitra said, while his eyes glowed in hope.

But before Pavitra walked out of the room, he fled away like a bolt of lightning and he murmured the name softly, "Pranavi."

Without wasting another second, he opened his mobile and dialed Arjun.

Arjun on the other end was excited as he was going to see Pranavi in a cafe as they both had a deal weeks ago about a coffee meeting, and a soft smile played on his icy cold face as he glanced at his screen showing Pranavi's picture.

And when he was in his thoughts, his phone rang, and seeing the caller as his brother, he picked up without any delay, "Brijesh?"

"Arjun. I had a piece of good news." Brijesh stated excitedly, and Arjun squinted his eyes while wondering about what was going on, and he queried, "What is it?"

"I think we had a lead about our sister," Brijesh said in one go as he almost couldn't control the excitement he felt when the thought of seeing his sister came to his mind.

All he could see was the little girl following him everywhere while calling him brother sweetly, and he would always buy her chocolates and dolls just to see her smile.

And he was snapped back when Arjun almost yelled from the other end of the phone, "What did you say? What is the lead?"

"Jeez. I heard Pavitra Aunt talking about a girl in her twenties, and her name is Pranavi." Brijesh said, and Arjun couldn't believe what he was hearing for a second.

In the next second, his heart felt alive after so long because it meant he wasn't the only one who felt Pranavi as his family, but in the next moment it hit him that she might be not the same girl he was thinking about and he asked, "how did Aunt know about her?"

"She met her in the Bahamas, it seems," Brijesh muttered while he was packing his bag as fastly as he could, and hearing his words Arjun felt as if a heavy burden was lifted off from his chest and he confirmed the girl as the same one in his heart.

With a slight pause, Brijesh added, "Aunt gave Pranavi's number to Dad."

Listening to it, Arjun clenched his fists and growled, "What did you say?"

"Forget about it, Arjun. I'm certain he wouldn't do anything stupid this time." Brijesh muttered and it took everything in Arjun to not snap at Brijesh, and finally, Arjun added, "I already know her."

"What the fuck Arjun? You already knew her and you didn't think you should let me know about it?" Brijesh seethed in fury and Arjun shook his head, "Calm down, brother. I thought it would be better if I made sure she is the one..."

Before he finished saying, he was cut off by Brijesh, "Tell me where she lives?"

With a sigh, Arjun mumbled, "Mumbai."

"Alright. I'm coming there in my private jet." Brijesh stated, and Arjun huffed, but added, "I'm going to meet her tomorrow."

"That's awesome. Then I'll come with you. I'm so eager to see my little sister." Brijesh said and his voice cracked in the end and Arjun's eyes had unshed tears, but he nodded and hung up.


Arjun sat on the wooden chair, while his legs were crossed and he tapped his feet while looking at his watch every once in a while, and Brijesh occupied the table beside him as he didn't want to scare the girl.

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