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Jwalin gracefully strode to the sofa and lit his cigarette while his other hand settled on the armrest, with his legs crossed, his gaze mixed with beastly rage and terrifying coldness that would freeze and burn at the same time.

The intensity of darkness that danced around him was immense. His face was emotionless while tinges of ruthlessness lurked in the shadows. The gleam in his eyes was pitch black as if he was enjoying the torment he was going to give Pranavi.

Maybe this was the Jwalin Oberoi that everybody feared?

Seeing the pathetically curled up Pranavi on the floor while crying, he narrowed his eyes, and his sharp jawline turned even sharper as if that itself would cut her like a knife.

"Get up." His tone held a strict command in it and Pranavi turned to him, her gaze so dazed, and she stared at him blankly with her mouth dropped.

Eyeing at her still, he tapped his foot impatiently while he was taking in all the changes from her face, the way her shoulders trembled, how her lips quivered, the pain in her eyes, but he chose not to let anything affect him this time.

"For every delay you're now making, remember, you will face the consequences later." He added, in his curt tone, making her choke on her own saliva.

Almost instantly, she stood up with her wobbly legs and gathered all her strength to walk to him.

Standing straight in front of him, with her shoulders squared, her chest pulled out and she wiped the trails of tears using the back of her hands, she said word for word, "You don't get to order me around. I'm not your puppet to play according to your strings."

Hearing that, he chuckled as if he had heard a joke of the decade, the sound of laughter was gut-wrenching to her, and the mockery it held twisted her insides painfully.

"Oh, then you don't know me, babygirl. This is the real Jwalin Oberoi, your husband for a lifetime, and yes, you're my 'beloved wife'. Mine to play with, and mine to break!" Jwalin said with a sneer while his gaze traveled across her body lustfully.

Listening to that, her eyes went wide, and she gasped in disbelief while he was enjoying it with all his might.

"No. I'd even die than to be your plaything, Jwalin Oberoi," Pranavi yelled in the face making his rage churn in his veins, and he clenched his fists so hard that the aura around him changed drastically to the level that made her terrified, but she stood tall.

"Then I'd gladly show you your place and teach you how to behave the way I like." Jwalin said in his stern manner and gave a look that conveyed, 'You better shut your mouth before it worsens for you'.

"Now, Strip. Or else, I'm going to tear off the piece of cloth mercilessly." His eyes roamed across her body while he licked his lips, waiting for the show as excitement coursed through his veins at the thought of breaking her into pieces!

Pranavi clutched the shirt tightly in her palms as if that would help her to protect herself from the beast in front of her, her husband!

"You have thirty seconds," Jwalin said in his magnetic tone, which made her panic, and her body shivered in fright.

"No. This can't be! He won't do that to me." She kept on mumbling to herself as if that would happen for real. But oh boy, was she wrong?

Glancing at his watch, he abruptly stood up, and in a swift movement, he held Pranav's shirt while her hands involuntarily clutched onto Jwalin's to stop him from doing this to her in maddening rage.

But he paid no heed to her and forcefully tore her shirt open, making tears come out from her eyes, and a bitter wail escaped her lips.

"No. Please don't do this to me." She begged, her voice incoherent with hiccups as the tormenting flashes were appearing in her, making her almost near to a panic attack.

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