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When the old man had hung up without even giving her a chance to explain, she felt that she had no way out and reluctantly, marched away from her class.

But reminiscing his words about sending a car for her, she didn't feel comfortable and thought that going there on her own would be better.

Anyhow, she had already gotten to know of his house when Jwalin was conversing with Deepak and Jathin the other day, and she felt glad for her super memory, or else she knew she probably would be doomed if she had to go in the car the old man arranged!

With a sigh, she rubbed her temples and quickly hailed a cab, and tried calling Jwalin again, but the response was still the same, and she couldn't get in touch with Ashok either.

But since she wasn't in any danger as of now, she breathed a sigh of relief and thought of calling Deepak or Jathin if she was in trouble as she remembered Jwalin's words from the other day.

As her mind was in a mess since she had no freaking idea of what the old man wanted to 'talk' with her because she clearly felt his displeasure with her and her gut said it wouldn't end up in a good way.

Sensing that, she tried her best to stay calm and closed her eyes to regain her composure, and plugged in her earbuds, hoping the music would divert her like always.

And it sure did for a while until a call disturbed her, and this time she glanced at her screen carefully so as to not repeat the same mistake again and a frown settled on her face when she saw the caller's number.

"Mr. Seth's assistant?" She mumbled under her breath with a narrowed gaze and her brain did a one-eighty-degree turn, and worry settled in her insides with the thought that something had gone wrong with the project.

Without wasting another second, she answered while grasping her clutch tightly, "Hello, Miss Zoya?"

"Miss Mehta, Can you please come to our office right now? We have a famous investor visiting us, and he wanted to talk about the project as he deemed it a profitable one." She spoke in one breath and for a second Pranavi's mind went blank, not anticipating such a piece of good news and for once, all her worries got pushed away and she agreed instantly, "alright. I will be there, shortly."

Hearing her words, she added quickly, "We don't have much time, Miss Mehta. He will leave the city in half an hour. If you miss this chance, I'm not sure when you could get such an opportunity to meet with him again."

As Pranavi understood the situation, her heart sank as she was already midway in going to the old man's house and now she should take a detour to go to the Seth Investment Firm.

But she knew her priorities and decided to visit the old man after she finished her work since by then she could calmly face him.

Moreover, she was sure if she were to meet the old man now, there was no way she could reach the company in half an hour.

With that thought, she massaged her throbbing temples with her eyes closed and said to the cab driver, "Please take me to Seth Investment Firm."

Listening to her words, he gave a nod and took a U-turn while her heart began beating wildly as she wondered how dire the consequences would be for the delay.

Knowing the old man already despised her hadn't helped her either.

She shook her head and took a deep breath while her hands fiddled with the phone as she was debating whether to inform the old man now or after she had reached the company.

But after giving it a second thought, she thought it would be better to go with the latter and patted her heart and mused to be brave later!

By the time she reached Seth Investment Firm, she had barely ten minutes left and almost sprinted out of the car and saw Veer running towards the entrance from the other side, and she gave a slight smile to him when he nodded while panting.

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