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By the time Jwalin came to her, Pranavi was waving her hand at the faraway car while a small smile was plastered on her face. She didn't even understand why she was so happy all of a sudden when she saw Pavitra.

"This Aunt was so nice!" She quoted in her head and from the corner of her eyes, she saw an angry Jwalin, and she licked her lips before turning to him.

However, he stood tall with his hands crossed, while he towered over her small frame with a scowl dancing on his handsome face. 

His deep onyx pools were literally glaring at her, but after a while, she cleared her throat and averted her gaze as she couldn't stare into those piercing eyes any longer.

"Jwalin... why are you here?" Pranavi asked when she tried to hold his hand, and he didn't stop her, but his jaw clenched as he shot a question in his stern tone, "What are you doing here?"

"I..." She trailed off but before she could finish her words, Jwalin's sharp voice rang in her ears, "What did I say regarding wandering around recklessly?"

"Huh." Pranavi sighed as she very well knew what Jwalin was hinting at, but she didn't know how to say what happened in that spur of the moment and somehow blurted out to calm him down, as the word 'hubby' always works for her, "Jeez! Hubby, relax."

Hearing her call him hubby so softly while she folded her hand around his arm made some reactions in his body, and he almost gritted his teeth to not get diverted by his little vixen's charms!

"How can I relax? Do you know how dangerous it would be for you if you were alone, Pranavi? And how careless of you to send your two guards away for a stranger?" Jwalin yelled while his face turned hard and his hand was balled into fists.

Seeing him become so serious, the smile on her face vanished and she bent her head down like a small child who was caught by her parents while doing something bad. 

For a second his expression softened and he pinched her chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing her to lift her head and he said in his magnetic silky tone, "Don't repeat this, baby girl."

Eyeing her silent frame, he huffed, knowing he lost his temper on her, and he pulled her closer to him and tucked her in his chest while he mumbled softly, not wanting her to be afraid, "You don't even know the price your head holds for being Mrs. Jwalin Oberoi."

As soon as he said that, Pranavi lifted her head and met his eyes while he cupped her cheeks, "Babygirl, by now, most of the people in my circle know you are my wife. And I know how dangerous that title can become for you." With a slight pause, he stressed, "Are you understanding my words?"

Pranavi nodded her head but a pout was still dancing on her face when he gave a soft peck on her eyes and nose and muttered, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you, wifey. So, I can't risk your safety."

Pranavi's eyes turned slightly red upon hearing his words, and she hugged him while holding his shirt tightly in her palm when he added, "I can be lenient on any other thing but not when it comes to your health and safety."

"I know," Pranavi said while she buried her head in his chest, and he put his arms around her back, while the guards stood at a distance giving privacy to the couple.

After a while, she left his embrace and stood beside him while his hand was resting on her waist while they walked to the car.

Jwalin sat in the car and pulled Pranavi onto his lap while he held her in his protective grip and warned, "Babygirl, don't ever underestimate the dangers lurking around you."

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