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Longer chapter lovelies,

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"Rathore, dear. I'm Pavitra Rathore." Pavitra's words rang in Pranavi's head while her movements froze, too shocked to react for a while as the newfound information was certainly too much to handle for Pranavi.

This means whatever she's recollecting is indeed real and not fake anymore.

However, the fragments of regained memory didn't actually subside her worries but heightened them as she didn't know who was her foe and who was her well-wisher.

Glancing at the smiling Pavitra while elegance oozed with her every move, Pranavi felt she must be a well-wisher but until she knew everything clearly, there was no way Pranavi could relax.

"What's wrong, dear?" Pavitra asked as for a second she thought maybe Pranavi recognized her.

"Nothing, just curious, Aunt," Pranavi mumbled disappointing Pavitra and Yugandhar. 

As if on cue, the waiter brought the dishes they asked for and left after serving them on the plates, giving the needed time for all three of them to calm down.

"Where do you both live?" Pranavi asked while she took a small bite of the naan.

"I live in Udaipur, dear," Pavitra said when she took a sip of the mango delight.

"I live in Jaipur, dear," Yugandhar stated calmly although his insides were screaming, numerous emotions were attacking him and the urge to hug the little girl in front of him was increasing with each passing second.

Pranavi nodded when Yugandhar queried, "What do you do, dear?"

"I'm pursuing my Masters in Business Analytics." 

Pavitra and Yugandhar nodded and for a while, silence danced in the room as no one knew how to ask the questions they were eager to know.

"Does the Oberoi's treat you well?" Pavitra asked startling Pranavi.

Hearing the question, Pranavi blinked her eyes and muttered softly, "Yes, most of the members treat me well." With a pause, she added while her eyes crinkled, "Especially my Sister-in-law and brothers-in-law, they treat me like I'm their own."

Yugandhar released a breath he didn't know he was holding upon hearing her words and he also grasped that not all the members of the Oberoi's treat her well, which made his blood boil.

"What about the elders?" Yugandhar asked when Pranavi bit her lips and answered, "They are okay I guess."

Listening to her vague reply, Pavitra and Yugandhar gave a knowing nod and Pavitra questioned, "You're from which family, dear?"

"I'm a Mehta," Pranavi said as she couldn't possibly say she didn't know which family she was from.

Immediately, Yugandhar retorted, "You didn't look like a Mehta."

As soon as words escaped his mouth, he wanted to smack himself but acted as nonchalantly as he could making Pranavi smile, and his words made her remember Brijesh Suryavanshi!

Reminiscing the Suryavanshi brothers made her sour mood slightly better.

After a while, the dinner was completed with heartful talks. Even though there was a little awkwardness in the air, that didn't bother the three of them from having a peaceful conversation.

"Let's stay in touch, Pranavi?" Yugandhar asked expectantly and his gaze was so pitiful that made Pranavi almost nod instantly.

Pavitra couldn't help and asked, "Can I... hug you, Pranavi?"

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