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Pranavi stood on the side of the road in a daze, while her thoughts lingered on Arjun. She couldn't help but want to know why she reacted so comfortably with Arjun when clearly it was their first meet.

"Ugh." She huffed in annoyance, and pondered, "Maybe because he helped me out of nowhere, so I subconsciously didn't reject him?"

With a nod, she mused, "Yeah, that would be it!"

When she was deep in thoughts, Jwalin's car came to a halt with a screech across her, but she didn't even know it as she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings.

Eyeing Pranavi with a frown, Jwalin narrowed his gaze and stepped down from the car. Elegantly, he marched towards her and stood in front of her with his one hand tucked in his pocket, while his other hand held her chin and she was startled for a second, but when she sniffed his cologne and peeped at him, relief washed over her insides and a slight smile curled up on her lips.

"Jwalin." She murmured when he hummed and queried, "What are you thinking about so profoundly that you didn't even notice I came?"

She shook her head, "Just some work matters."

"Alright." Jwalin muttered as he eyed her with his scrutinized glare and showed his hand, "shall we?"

Seeing his gesture, her eyes crinkled, and she nodded happily. Almost instantly, she placed her tiny hand in his large palm, and the warmth his presence provided made her uneasiness vanish into thin air.

When he observed her silly reaction, he shook his head, but the corners of his mouth arched upwards in satisfaction.

Without wasting another second, he dropped his head into the crook of her neck, and his hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him when she climbed into the car, and she happily obliged, although startled.

Although they were in silence, their hearts felt peace and this is the comfort she craved the most when she was with Jwalin.

There was no need for them to always have a conversation because they would enjoy a meaningful stillness in each other's presence.

Carefully, she brushed his silky hair with her fingers to soothe him when he closed his eyes, and he appeared visibly exhausted.

His face looked haggard, although she couldn't deny his handsomeness, she was sure he was tired, or there might be something that was bothering him.

Just when she thought of asking him about it, her stomach grunted as she barely touched any food and she didn't even have her lunch properly because she was running from Veer to her Professor to make the preparations for the contest she was in.

When she thought he was asleep and didn't hear it, his hearty chuckle filled her ears, and she was mortified as a faint blush spread across her cheeks.

"Hungry, baby girl?" Jwalin queried with raised brows as he steadied himself, and his gaze focused on her when she licked her lips and mumbled, "Yes."

He stroked her hair with a gentle gaze and mumbled, "Just a few more minutes. We were almost there at Tuscany."

Hearing Tuscany, made her frown, and she bit her inner cheek as she remembered it was a five-star hotel and no way in hell did she want to again spend so much on just one meal, and she mumbled, "That's alright. I can eat something at home."

Jwalin gave a sharp glare as if sensing her thoughts, and patted her head, "Be good."

With a huff, she smacked her lips, and he pinched her cheeks when he saw how adorably she pouted!

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