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Jwalin leaned his naked back on the headrest with the quilt covering his half-bare upper body, while Pranavi was snuggled up into his embrace. His one hand was settled on her waist lazily while he was fiddling with his mobile with his other hand.

And the frown that was dancing on his face for quite some time was suddenly smoothened as he thought of something and his lips involuntarily curled upwards.

Without wasting another second, he dropped his bearded chin onto the crook of her neck, teasing and tickling her sensitive spots while he tilted his head towards her ear and whispered in his deep sexy voice that sent tingles down her spine, "Babygirl, how about we go for a trip?"

His warm breath hitting her nape turned her ears red while a faint blush crept upon her cheeks as she was totally flustered with his proximity while her tiny palms held his veiny hands in a firm grip.

Pleased with her body reaction, his onyx pools gleamed in delight and he waited patiently without moving much, while his silky black hair was teasing the corner of her ear, making her squirm in his hold, as she pretty much knew what sort of sensual feeling he was evoking in her without much effort.

After she inhaled a deep breath, she opened her mouth as she realized he was waiting for her answer and muttered while pondering, "A trip sounds nice."

With a nod, she pursed her lips and leaned her head onto his chest, relaxing her stance as she sniffed his unique fragrance that calmed down her nerves, and raised her head to meet his eyes when she queried with a raised brow, "Where do you want to go?"

He chuckled as she looked adorable to him and murmured softly, "You choose."

"Me?" She exclaimed. She had never been on a trip, as she was pretty much cooped up in surviving her daily life all these years. Moreover, she deemed it as a waste of money to spend so much for just a few days' trip back then.

But it seemed the situation was different now as she knew her husband loved to spoil her, and he would be even more happy if she lavishly spent his money, but sadly she wasn't the type, which was the only reason they would end up bantering these days.

And now the trip seemed to be a perfect chance for her to spend his money and in turn that would make him happy, and she was certain of the latter. Isn't it smart to kill two birds with one stone?

Woah! As the thought struck her mind, she smirked and muttered, "Let's go to an island?"

"Sure." He replied instantly while his hands began stroking her arms in feathery soft brushes that were giving goosebumps all over her body making her all hot and bothered.

With a slight pause, he questioned while he sensually nibbed her earlobe and a light moan escaped her lips and he murmured in her ear, "How about the Bahamas?"

Pranavi mused for a while taking her lip in between her teeth as he smooched her neck and mumbled in her silky voice that was laced with tinges of arousal, "I've never been there, so I'm cool with it."

"Alright." He said as he began assaulting her collarbone with his lips and asked in between his kisses, "How do you want it? Just the two or more people?"

"More people." She instantly blurted out as she thought it would be fun to be accompanied by all of their closest people, well that included only their friends because that was all they had, as their both families were pretty much terrible, and the same goes for all of their closest friends.

He paused his actions for a minute and nodded his head while uttering, "As you wish."

She squealed in excitement when he abruptly held her chin in between his thumb and index finger and lifted her head while he claimed her lips without giving her much chance to protest.

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