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Longer chapter Lovelies... Enjoy...


"Don't stop me, Jwalin. Shreya is like a family to me. I have every right to question Jathin on behalf of Shreya." Pranavi's sharp voice resounded in the living room and Jwalin's steps involuntarily took a halt.

A look of hesitance settled in his onyx eyes as he understood what Pranavi said was correct. Knowing how much Shreya is dear to Pranavi, he knew that much to not cross her in this.

However, upon taking a glance at Jathin's hardened face, his chocolate brown orbs turned almost black in rage and the aura around him turned dangerously gloomy.  

With his fists clenching and unclenching, he looked like he was controlling himself to not lose his cool on Pranavi.

Deepak and Aditi were too stunned to speak anything as they honestly wouldn't dare cross Jathin as Pranavi did. 

Even Jwalin would rarely go against Jathin and vice versa.

Tushar on the other hand grasped the most important thing, and mumbled under his breath, "Shreya is dearest to Pranavi?!"

As the realization settled in his insides, he immediately felt relaxed as he trusted Pranavi very much. 

"If Shreya is close to Pranavi, it means she will be good too." He pondered while his eyes gleamed in delight.

And just like that, he had no objection to the marriage as he wanted Jathin to get the love he deserved as Jwalin did. 

All he wanted for his sons was to be happy because he knew he was indirectly responsible for Jwalin and Jathin not getting the love they needed all these years. 

"Pranavi," Jwalin called, his voice was soft but the edge his tone had wasn't missed by Pranavi. She shifted her focus onto Jwalin and squinted her eyes in disbelief when Jwalin came closer to her and said as calmly as he could while his gaze shifted between Pranavi and Jathin, "You can question Jathin all you want. I won't stop you."

 With a slight pause, he added with his hands resting on her waist protectively, "But there are other ways to do this. Yes?"

Pranavi craned her head to look at Jwalin with a hard glare as she was unconvinced with what Jwalin was saying, "What do you mean?"

Jwalin pulled her to the sofa and made her sit opposite Jathin and he sat beside Pranavi, he muttered in her ear, "Don't use such a tone on him. I'm telling for your good, baby girl."

Jathin although enraged, he could never raise his voice at his Sister-in-law. He inhaled a deep breath to not lose his composure and answered, the earlier warmth his tone had was now gone, "I had my reasons for doing this, Sister-in-law."

He licked his lips before he stated, "I talked to Shreya, and after she gave a go-ahead to me, I finalized the date. I'm not the type to force myself onto an unwilling woman in the name of marriage."

Pranavi didn't believe his words as she knew what Shreya experienced and she knew Shreya was nowhere ready for marriage now. 

But she also knew what kind of a man Jathin is, and to say she was conflicted would be an understatement.

"Jathin... I..." Pranavi trailed off but decided to say as this was needed for Shreya and continued, "I'm not against you marrying Shreya if that's what you both agreed upon. I just don't want her to be forced into anything. She's more or less a sister to me all these years."

Jathin nodded, "I'll keep her safe and sound if that's what you're worried about."

Pranavi sighed, "Just take good care of her, Jathin. She... she suffered too much already and I don't want her married life to also be a thorny path."

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