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Pranavi was fast asleep, but her closed eyes kept moving and her eyelashes were trembling as the haunting memories were hitting in her dreams making it painful for her to continue sleeping and sweat started dripping down her forehead, while she was struggling hard to open her eyes.

This was how it would be for her whenever she reminisced about her past.

With a heavy gasp, she finally opened her eyes and glanced around the room but it was all dark, and she had suddenly become flustered.

The flashes in her dream were still vivid to her eyes as the blood, the lifeless bodies, her brother's promise, everything was crystal clear to her that tears swelled in her eyes.

Shaking her head, she strode to the restroom, and splashed cold water on her face, and patted her cheeks just to get away from those images, but alas, it wasn't that easy for her. Well, it was never easy for her even after all these years.

The trauma she had was deeply rooted in her mind and heart, and she didn't know when she would be able to attain peace for her dear life.

Grabbing her mobile resting on the nightstand, she eyed the time, and it showed 05:00 Am. She sighed, since it was a Sunday, she just wanted to relax but seeing the room was dark and lonely, she didn't have the mood to sleep there anymore.

The moment she closed her eyes, she was haunted as the terrifying flashes were still fresh in her memory, and she so badly wanted to escape from here because this closed room had suddenly become suffocating to her.

With that, her face paled and she was getting a headache. She huffed in annoyance and massaged her temples while deep in thought.

Her eyes were becoming droopy since she hardly slept for an hour but she couldn't dare to close her eyes.

But the feeling of suffocation in her heart was drastically increasing and she decided to leave the room and go out or else she didn't know when would the anxiety would lead to a panic attack.

Her feet instinctively drove her to the other corner where Jwalin was still sleeping.

For a second she was shocked, but she needed an embrace to feel safe. Usually, Shreya or Aarushi would be there for her but now she had none. Well, she had Jwalin, but she didn't know how he would react!

Although they had spent some time closely just a few hours ago, that didn't mean he would allow her to sleep with him. Or will he?

She didn't want to ponder anymore and gave a slight knock on the door since she knew Jwalin was a light sleeper.

Almost at her third knock, she heard footsteps coming from the inside, and she held her breath in her throat. Because she didn't know what to do if he rejected her now!

But anyhow since she decided to take a gamble, she should bear the consequences. With that thought in mind, she inhaled a deep breath and heard the clicking sound.

In the next second, she saw Jwalin in his lounge pants with no shirt and was instantly embarrassed. But she had more pressing things than his half-nakedness and decided to be brave!

But his messy hair, tall frame, and slightly sleepy eyes made him so sexy that if she was in a normal mood, she would drool all over him!

When his gaze landed on Pranavi, still in the same attire he had previously seen her a couple of hours ago, he frowned.

He noticed her eyes were a little red and water droplets were still present on her face, but her face was awfully pale and his sleep almost vanished in worry.

Seeing her standing in front of him like a statue and was not meeting his eyes, he asked, his tone hoarse, "What's wrong?"

Hearing his question, she didn't know how to say she wanted to sleep with him and was struggling but she knew she needed to do it.

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